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Posts posted by BBTV

  1. I'm a weirdo in that I think "word" helmets in HS and college are cool.  I like the Gators, UCLA, the ILLINOIS , et al.  There's just something refreshingly "amateur" about it that warms my heart.


    The worst helmets in HS or NCAA are any that use a "paw print" logo, which seems to be the default for low-budget high school programs named after something with paws.  When in Jr High, if we played one of those teams (and we played at least 3 teams that used the same stupid paw every year), I always thought their cheerleaders looked stupid with paw prints painted on their faces.  Why would you want to look like some animal just ran across your face?

  2. 35 minutes ago, LMU said:

    Considering that Ohtani's team has contacted law enforcement and is calling for a full probe into the theft, unless they're setting themselves up for what may in fact be the most significant self own in the history of professional sports it would appear that the theft angle would be likely what transpired in the same vein as the take old as time of associate of millionaire athlete getting greedy.  The shifting stories probably had a lot to do with them being overseas and not being in the most convenient situation to kick the guy to the curb when he still has tickets reserved on the team charter.


    Of course, the hot takes about Ohtani not talking to anyone are hilarious considering that he's probably taking legal advice on that front.


    I saw on some show yesterday where the idiots were getting all worked up at how Dave Roberts was avoiding questions, and how that meant he "must know something and doesn't want to blow the whistle", and it's like no - of course he's been instructed to not comment.  I get that media has to ask and hope for a slip-up, but "no comment" doesn't mean anything more than "no comment".


    And in the extremely-unlikely situation where Ohtani did anything wrong, there's zero chance MLB will sweep it under the rug and figure out some way for law enforcement to "go away".  This is a complete "story that's not a STORY."  Will be forgotten about by April.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, stumpygremlin said:

    THIS is why TV numbers are necessary. Or how often do you see an injured player with training staff over them, and we can't tell who it is for a while because their torso is being obscured?


    Basically never?  If watching on TV, there's always replays of how the injury occurred, and live (at least at LFF), they say on the PA who the injured player is (I forget if there's live replays.) 


    And if the guy is on his back... you couldn't see the TV numbers anyway.

    • Like 1
  4. TV numbers absolutely served a purpose at a time.  arguing against that is silly.  When editors were captioning photos in newspapers or looking for photos to put in a magazine story, sometimes those numbers were the only way to identify the player.


    TV numbers were invaluable to whoever had to identify the KC player in this photo (who's oddly wearing #15 - what is this, 2024?)




    Whether they're still relevant in 2024 is certainly debatable, and we've heard arguments on both sides.


    As the judge, I've rendered my decision - they should be optional only, and aesthetics should be the driving factor.

    • Like 13
  5. 10 hours ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    After 1 game MLB is going to get overshadowed by controversy. Lol that sport can not catch a break.


    Nothing will come of this, if it's even anything at all.  It will be forgotten about within two weeks.  


    This will not overshadow anything, no matter how hard any media outlet tries to force the story (and I'im not sure that any will after maybe today and tomrrow.). Ohtani isn't getting into any trouble, and we'll never hear about it again.

    • Like 4
  6. 10 hours ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    orry (not sorry) I've upset the Vet.


    LOL what?  Try harder.


    10 hours ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Any time (almost) that someone claims that nobody uses them, or that nobody sees them in the stands, I'll point out that they are, in fact, used and seen.


    I didn't say any of those things.

    • Like 1
  7. They're called "TV numbers", not "Section 53 numbers".  They help when watching the broadcast (before all the different camera angles and HD) and they helped identify players in still photographs like in newspapers, SI, etc.  But now that most media is moving videos or gifs, they're just to that important.  


    If anything, putting numbers on the helmet bumpers would solve a lot of "problems" that may or may not actually exist.


    Or F it - we have the technology to have a hologram of the number floating above the player's head so you can easily tell who's running down he field, or which fat F on the line just got pancaked.

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  8. The OG ReeBox which soon took over the NHL 



    and it’s not a manufacturer’s logo, it’s an advertisement. Reebok didn’t make those, and even if they had, they paid for the space. 

  9. 1 hour ago, gosioux76 said:

    to make the Nike logo a part of the design rather than a functional addendum to it. 


    That's probably better wording than what I said. Nobody noticed if in the early '90s, Reggie White's Eagle sjersey was Russell, Randall's was Wilson, and then they mixed russell, Starter, and Puma in the midnight green era.  They were just logos slapped whereer tehyd' fit.  The jersey was desinged first and foremost to fit the team, and then the ads were tacked on.


    Now the ads are integraded into the design, so switching them to another one would almost make it a different jersey.  It would be much more noticeable that it's a new logo than if it was just a patch placed wherever.   Titans is kind of another example, where the swoosh is the only red, which inherently makes it a design element, and not just a logo.  


    I'd love the logo to be over the nameplate, but that doesn't work for obvoius reasons.  Or beloow the numbers on the back, but also, obvious reasons that won't work.  If they must sell ad space to Nike, maybe put it inside the number (towards the bottom) like they do in soccer?  It'd suck, but maybe suck less.

    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, dont care said:

    The swoosh is above the horn, not in it


    That's literally my point.  The horn curves up, creating a perfect semi-framed space for the swoosh to live, making it essentially a logo.  If you change the swoosh to some other company's logo, it changes the look of the jersey in a way that's much bigger than way back in the day when sleeve advertisers switched between Russell, Puma, Wilson, et al, and their patches were just placed any old place.


    Basically a reverse of this


    The swoosh is framed, and looks like it's a team logo.


    Worst offender:


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  11. The horn is basically a platform for the swoosh to live in, just like the Seahawks and Vikings have designs that highlight Nike’s advertisement. 

    It’s brilliant on Nike’s end, but lousy that it puts their brand on par or even above the team’s. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Silver_Star said:


    Oh dear god! No pants stripe? Oh god! I am done with this crap!


    Battle Red is a pretty obvious photoshop.  It's the same navy pants reflecting in the mirror (and... they have a stripe.)

  13. 18 minutes ago, JustABallCoach said:

    It’s just the perforation, not a patter. I prefer solid twill, but this is fortunately not a pattern. It does appear to me that the red outline might have some shine or texture to it. 

    it’s a pattern. If it was just perforations, they’d fill the whole number. Instead they’re just in the middle. It’s a very basic pattern, but an intentional design choice nonetheless. 

    • Like 1
  14. Hope they have a good bullpen, since they'll be throwing 4 innings whenever he starts.  It's telling that he got a relatively low salary for such a short deal, when Zach Wheeler just got 3 at 42M and that was considered market value at worst.  Very happy the Phillies didn't go after him.


    Also, not-so-bold prediction: if he's healthy (which he won't be), Mike Trout will be playing outfield for the Phillies by August.  Not the tope of move that puts them over the top, but it'll be interesting.



    5 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    I think @BBTV suggested making them more like soccer goalies: a standard design in a non-team color. I wouldn't have any issue with that.  In addition to benefiting the issue of number circulation, it has an on-field function. They are fundamentally a different type of player than everyone else on the field, and there's never more than one of them on the field at a time.


    Yeah, like some highlighter color or something that's like "don't hit me".  It also creates a revenue source for the league to sell ad space on it, which obviously I'd hate (just like I hate that we're even having a conversation about unregulated number selections) but if he helps ward off more jersey advertisements than what we already have in NFL, then it'd be worth it.


    Kickers / punters aren't part of the team other than dressing in the same locker room and being on the same roster sheet.  Hell - even long snappers are totally specialized now amongst many - if not all - teams, so they don't even practice at all with the TEs or whatever position they'd normally play, and simply stay off to the side with the K and P while the real players practice (which for many teams, is just t-shirts and shorts these days.)


    Hell - some Ks and Ps don't even wear shoulder pads!  Let them go shirtless.  To quote the rock, "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WEAR".




    Seriously - does it actually matter?


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  16. 5 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    there's never more than one of them on the field at a time.


    Technically, there's punters that act as holders, so both would be on the field together.

    • Like 2
  17. 6 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

    I actually kinda like seeing K/P wearing 70-79. It feels like such a fun oddity.


    But that actually highlights the problems - it stops being an oddity when it becomes the norm.  Jim Jensen and Keyshan Johnson were oddities.  Now a good WR in the 80s is the oddity.  


    One thing I do find funny is how over the years as the old rule evolved, 50-99, except 80-89 became ineligible, but they just kinda left the "end" numbers as eligible, even though they were in the middle of that range.  Logically, it doesn't make sense to have some range of eligibles in the middle of the larger range of inelligibles.



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  18. 6 hours ago, infrared41 said:


    Exactly. Tomlin has made the playoffs with teams that have 5-12 talent. That's not luck or getting all the calls. What's funny is he'll do it again next season and people will be right back here wondering how it happened...again. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. Mike Tomlin is a great coach.


    Great coach... or a curse on the organization.  Here me out - if he's constantly going 9-7, 10-7 with 5-12 talent, then it's probably masking their flaws on the personnel side, which is preventing them from making meaningful moves necessary to seriously compete.


    That's clearly not a knock on Tomlin, but I think it's fair to say that in the long run, they may be better off without him.


    This is in contract to Andy Reid, who built Super Bowl Champion caliber teams, but coached them to multiple home NFC CG losses as a favorite, a SB loss, or just generally short of where they should have been.  That's a case where a Gruden-esque guy should have been brought in to put them over the top.  Kinda the opposite of the Tomlin thing.

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