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Posts posted by BBTV

  1. 2 hours ago, LMU said:

    Regarding Purdy, game manager is a pretty accurate description. Let’s remember though when it comes to game managers: even Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have rings.


    Trent Dilfer sucked.  Brad Johnson might be a better comparison, at least right now.  I think that as long as Shanahan is around, Purdy will have a better career than Brad Johnson and become more than just a "game manager", but for now that's probably where he's at.


    I haven't thought of Brad Johnson in a long time, but I think Purdy's decision making may be even better (though he does tend to make at least one insane cross-body cross-field backfoot pass (that should be picked) each game.)  His mobility is also better than what I thought it was.  


    1 hour ago, BottomlessPitt said:

    Comparing eras is subjective. If you put Brady or Mahomes in the 70's and 80's and they have to play by the standard rules of those eras, they might be taken out on a stretcher. 


    Doing it in the salary-cap era is more impressive to me, though I can't ding anyone for excelling within the rules of their time.


    I just think that Bradshaw's job was more "don't lose the game" (more than that, but kinda that), while their defense was winning the games.  He also had HOFers at RB and WR, and basically the whole defense.

    I have nothing against Bradshaw, but he wasn't much more than Brad Johnson but on a team full of HOFers.  I'll stick by my guns that no rational person would say that Terry Bradshaw > Patrick Mahomes.  


    If we were starting a new league where players from all time could be drafted (while in their primes), there's no draft in which Bradshaw is selected ahead of Mahomes.  None.  I'm not sure there's many scenarios in which 3 QBs are selected ahead of him, unless someone's seen the old timers like Unitas or Staubach and feels they were better in their primes than Mahomes is right now.

    If Mahomes retired today, the Sandy Kofax exception would apply, and he'd be in the HOF.  Without question.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Luigi74 said:

    Right now Mahomes is on the level with Bradshaw and Montana, even though he has one less ring than them. 

    Tell me you’ve never ever seen Terry Bradshaw play without telling me you’ve never seen Terry Bradshaw play. 

    Come on dawg.   If Mahomes never played another down, no sane person would rank him equal or below Bradshaw. 

    • Like 10
  3. 49er players are now saying that they weren't coached up on the new OT rules, and legitimately had no idea that they wouldn't have won if they got a TD.


    Chiefs players say that Reid told them on day-1 of SB prep about their OT plan, which was to kick off, and go for 2 if the 49ers scored a TD and practiced the 2-pt play options.


    As has been mentioned, you have to be perfect to beat the Chiefs, and even that one detail was enough to cost them.



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  4. I'd say right now, Brady has his own tier, and Mahomes is clearly in that next tier, with the likes of Joe Montana, Ken Anderson, and... well I'm not sure anyone else is in that next tier.


    After that we're talking about the Elways, maybe the Staubachs, the Foles', and some of the early-SB era guys.


    EDIT: Regarding everyone's favorite IT admin Brock Purdy, he's got some early-Brady vibes.  Early Brady was winning titles without being the star - just making great decisions and not making dumb plays.  I'm not saying Purdy is going to have that type of career - especially if there's a coaching change at any point - but he's proven me wrong.  He's the kind of guy that I think will be able to make plays even if their offensive talent declines.

    • Huh? 1
  5. Yeah I don't think championship count is the be-all end-all.  Once you get to an elite number (and let's be real here, 3 is pretty elite), you're in that top tier (well, top "non Brady" tier).   Not saying that 3 titles automatically puts you in that tier - nobody is going to say that Troy Aikman or Bradshaw is in that discussion - but we can start talking about him in the same breath as Montana et al, and barring injury, it's fathomable that he could go down as 1-a, or 2.


    I can't see anyone eclipsing Brady, but if he continues to drag teams even after Reid retires, then we have to have that conversation.  Still a long time before we're worrying about that.

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  6. GettyImages-2003840049.jpg?ve=1&tl=1


    It's funny how when Kelce does this, it's because he's passionate and just wants to be on the field to help the team win, but when a guy like AJ Brown - by all accounts, a really good dude - does it, he's a selfish show-off diva that wants the ball all the time.


    Brown pointed this out himself, albeit in a slightly -dramatic way ("When I do that, everyone wants me off the team.")


    Turns out the "it takes all of us" end-zone paint and rear bumper statements aren't effectual - who knew?

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  7. 1 minute ago, GDAWG said:

    If Clark Hunt cared as much about FC Dallas than he does with the Chiefs, maybe things will be better for FC Dallas, but alas it isn't meant to be.  

    you equate caring with hiring an all tine  top 5 coach and getting a top 5 all time QB in the middle of first round. 

    let’s not act like his “caring” is a factor. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Penalty is a penalty. Why should they get a warning?


    Because I said so.  There's no play, nobody got hurt, ball isn't even snaped most of the time, so it's not like an advantage was gained either way (unless you go out there and say "well, they got to see the formation."


    I forgot to add - in this system, your first 1 or 2 are warnings, your 3rd is 5 yards, 4th is 15, 5th is ejection, 6th is 1-year ban, 7th is public execution.


    I'm just trying to avoid as many rule-mandated executions as possible.  If you want to see people die over relatively -innocuous fouls, that's between you and god.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, pepis21 said:

    Hot take, but  since NFL being more globally each year, they should considering move Super Bowl from Sunday to Saturday and become being more friendly for viewers outside North America.


    I've thought about that too.  At the very least, bumping up the start time, even if by only 2 hours.  Still wouldn't be too early for the west coasters to see all the crap that goes on before the game.

    • Like 2
  10. 13 hours ago, The_Admiral said:


    If Philadelphia were to have a symbol, what do you think it should be?


    Does it need one?  How many of cities that normal people know have logos?  NYC = statue of liberty (I think), Chicago has the stars from the flag, LA?  Houston?  New Orleans I guess the fleur de lis, Atlanta?  


    Philadelphia just isn't "cool" when it comes to imagery - at least that's my personal opinion.  I think it's a top 5 skyline in US, but no "iconic" building like NYC or Chicago have, no foreign tourist knows or cares about the Liberty Bell, Rocky is a goddam movie character and that stupid statue is just a prop, I don't know.


    Maybe just the ring of 13 stars?

    • Huh? 1
  11. 4 hours ago, gothedistance said:


    The NFL changed it so that all teams will play an international game. I'm for it because it keeps from exhausting some teams from having all those games while others didn't. This way it's more even and fair.


    Since 2021, the league made the conference who has 9 home games be the one who host the international game.


    I didn't realize this was the NFC's 9-home-game turn.  


    But for the 5th straight year, the Eagles have opened away from home (which could actually be a good think after last year).  I guess playing the game on opening weekend alleviates travel inconveniences getting down there, and having it on Friday makes up for the 13-hr flight back home on (presumably) Saturday, and gives them a day off Sunday and Monday (I think Mondays are usually off.)


    I just hope there's at least a few regularly-scheduled Sunday afternoon 1PM games.  The past few years it feels like all the games are SNF, MNF, TNF, 4:30, etc.  Now we start with a Friday.



  12. 2 hours ago, Dilbert said:

    Didnt we say that when the  Rams and Raiders left LA in the 90s.  If the NFL can take not one but both teams out of the number 2 market, they can definitely take one out of the number 3 market.


    Different scenario.  Neither the Rams nor Raiders were selling out games, had little local support, and no prospects of updated facilities.


    While they play in a disproportionately-small stadium, the Bears at least sell tickets (even if people don't actually use them anymore.)  Also, while not the thought at the time (at least not publicly), a vacant LA was valuable to the NFL as a bargaining chip for teams looking to extort their cities.  I don't think a vacant Chicago would be the same, since I can't imagine the Chicago faithful welcoming in the Jacksonville Jaguars as their team.  They'd need a Cleveland deal where they're "reactivated" in a few years in a new stadium... but then just make the stadium now.

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