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Posts posted by BBTV

  1. Not even arbitration eligible?  What a stupid-ass move by the Royals.  At least just buy out his arbitration years, then pay him in another year or two when you're 1000% sure he's worth it (he seems worth it, but things can change on a dime.) 


    I guess the thought is that his value would only go up if he's not locked in now, and that's legit. And as he became a bigger name, the chances of him wanting to play somewhere else go up too


    All I know was I was blown away by him the few times I saw him on TV.  Dude is a legit star.  Just sucks that he's stuck where nobody will ever see him play unless their team has a series with KC.  I can't blame a guy for taking money that was put in front of him, but there's no way they will spend on anyone else, and he just committed himself to playing a lifetime of meaningless games, and potentially being the least impactful HOFer since Mike Trout.

    • Like 1
  2. Shocked that the Eagles are opening the season in Brazil as the home team.  Don't they usually try to avoid taking home games away from teams that always sell out?  Especially in a season where NFC already has one fewer home game?

  3. 21 minutes ago, 1stAndPhoremost said:

    Any Phils cap without a contrasting squatchee is a no-go for me


    Phillies standard caps should have a white squatchee.  The day they were unveiled, young me thought it was a cool touch.  Now I think it looks childish.


    I'm not sure if there's another example of a team who's squatchee doesn't tie into any other color on their cap.

  4. Missed the fact that they eschewed the Patriots helmet logo since it would be redundant since it's part of their wordmark.


    Looks odd in contrast - maybe they could have used some alt mark there, or doubled-up and not worried about it?


    I also wonder if there's an "official" version of the wordmark that doesn't have Elvis on it, in which case that's what they should have gone with.

    • Like 3
  5. Wish companies would stop slapping liberty bells on every philadelphia product, wish the Phillies would drop it from they logo, and wish it wasn't (along with Rocky) an unofficial "logo" for the city in general.


    I'll never use the term "lazy" to describe a design, but it's at best "un-imaginative" and cliche.  Maybe that's what the Phillies wanted, but I hate it.


    Between these caps and the ones that use simply the 1992-2019 logo, really disappointed this year.  It's a shame, because there's a lot of good ones buried in each series we've seen so far.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, The_Admiral said:

    Yeah, Halifax is a reach for a number of reasons, but Quebec City would be a greater success than the fool's gold (Atlanta, SLC, Houston) and just plain foolishness (Omaha, Cincinnati) on that list.


    How the hell did Omaha get brought into any discussion of major league sports, other than "hey remember that weird time way back  when the Kings played 10 games a year there?"


    This isn't exactly a hot take, or even an original one, but the NHL should embrace what it is, which is a regional sport, and sorta reset itself by returning to places like QC and..... well, I guess just QC.

  7. 8 hours ago, The_Admiral said:

    Fake it with AI if you have to, I don't care. Make the son of a :censored: deny it. 



    "That was just AI" is going to become the new "that was taken out of context".  Either way, I'm always up for hearing a denial that starts with "look, I have black friends, and...."


    If he was smart, Allen Iverson (who, ironically, always smells like weed) would get his name all over some AI-based system.  "Powered by AI!" 



  8. 10 hours ago, ruttep said:

    That combined with Nick Sirianni admitting to fishing for a PI call is disgusting


    He lied about that.  The players went rogue and called a stupid play, and he was on the spot and had to explain it so he made that up to protect the players.  They came out later and said they drew up that play in the huddle.  Wasn't supposed to be a deep pass.


    But, coaches abolutely do call plays hoping or PI, and it sucks.  I'd probably call all long pass plays, becaue you'll eventually get the call.


    9 hours ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Do you watch baseball? Does pitch framing mean anything to you?


    Catcher should be ejected.  There's a way to catch the ball so that your glove organically moves into the zone.  But what these guys do is move it after they catch it, which is insulting to both the viewer and umpire.  It's very distracting when watching the game, so I support a similar punishment to what I offered above:  1st offense, catcher is ejected.  2nd, he's suspended for 10 games.  3rd, 6 months in County.  4th... 

    • Like 1
  9. If Cs and As would prevent every player on each team from throwing their arms up and doing the "what?  no flag?" thing after literally every single play, then I'd be completely in favor of adding them to NFL uniforms.


    Throw your arms up?  15-yards, disqualified, suspended for 4 games, and fined 50% of your salary.  Do it twice?  Expelled from the league and serve 6 months in County.


    Basically this, but it's usually worse, and seemingly on 99% of pass plays.



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  10. 20 hours ago, ruttep said:

    the captain (or alternate captain if the captain is off the ice or if there is no captain) is the only player allowed to speak to the refs to protest or clarify a call.


    Is that enforced?  Serious question.  Like in NFL, every time there's an incomplete pass, the receiver throws his hands up in the air and asks the ref why there wasn't a flag.  If that happened in hockey, or if the ref did call a guy for something he didn't do, he's not allowed to complain to the ref about it?


    I'm used to the Cs and As in hockey and I get the tradition, so I'm not advocating for their removal, but I find it highly suspect that there's a practical need for them anymore.



    • Like 1
  11. Cal Ripken is probalby a much of the ownership as Will Smith is for the 76ers.  


    No way Ripken has the money to have any significant amount of shares, and could play a "face" role and be a handhaker, but has no actual say.  


    There's "rich", and there's "wealthy".  Other than Lebron and Jordan, I'm not sure there's any athletes that qualify as "wealthy".


    As Chris Rock said, "the guys that play the sports are rich.  The guy that signs their checks is wealthy."

  12. 7 hours ago, buckeye said:

    Any knowledge if the Eagles will update the uniforms to use the new wordmark? I don't really get why they haven't done so yet.






    It  should be updated this season.  They didn't provide the required 2-year notice to change the uniforms before now.  Similarly to how the Patriots went with that western-ish arched font for their official wordmark but kept the script-style on the jersey for a year or two.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, ruttep said:


    I was with you until you attacked the hockey patches. Wearing the C on your chest as a hockey player is woven into hockey tradition and has been part of the game forever. I agree in the other sports the captaincy seems more ceremonial than anything, but still holds importance on a hockey team. 


    Don't put words in my mouth.  I did not attack hockey patches.  I asked what they're for.  And I did not receive an answer.

    • Like 1
  14. The caption patch absolutely should not exist.  It adds nothing at all the the uniform, or to the game itself.  The officials know who the captains are - and let's be real here - other than the coin toss, it's a ceremonial title that has no actual power.


    Captain patches are flat-out silly in football, basketball, and baseball.  Even in hockey - in 2024, what exactly do the Cs and As do?  It's a legit question, because I'm not sure their role there anymore.


    But NFL football survived just fine for what - 80 years before captain patches were invented?  We survived.

    • Like 6
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  15. 2 hours ago, DCarp1231 said:

    So Lions OC Ben Johnson informed both the Commanders and Seahawks that he intends to stay in Detroit.


    The part that has DC Sports Media in a frenzy is that he supposedly informed the Commanders right before they were set to be in-route for a final interview with him. 

    Apparently this is seen as a “red flag” and the “team never needed him to begin with” and “such a terrible look on Johnson” for doing this.


    Its not the guy’s fault for taking a step back and realizing he’s probably in a very comfortable position with his current team.


    He probably realized that 1) Josh Harris is a lousy person to root for and that franchise is still not set up in a way to allow him to succeed, 2) Pete Carroll's continued presence (in whatever capacity) would loom over him in Seattle, 3) he'd ignore 1 and 2 if someone paid him the salary of a 15-time SB winner, but obviously that's not happening, and 4) it's very likely that Dallas, Philadelphia, and maybe a few other higher-profile jobs will be open next year.


    I will never blame someone from striking while the iron is hot and cashing that check,, but long term, how many young-hotshot coordinators that fizzle out in their first HC job (even if it was because they entered a lousy situation with a crap org) get second chances?  Long term, it's probably better to wait for an opening on a team with a stable ownership situation, a history of competence, and a support system that gives you the best chance to succeed.   Seattle should be that, but Washington is certainly not.


    That, or he just didn't like either team's uniforms.

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