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Posts posted by BBTV

  1. 2 minutes ago, Cosmic said:

    If the defender does something to "extend" the hit after the ball is in the air, I totally get it. This was a pretty quick tap, though; I don't think it makes sense to punish the D for something as quick as that. It looked like he did start the hit before the ball was out of Mahomes' hand.


    It should not have been a penalty.  It was called because they incorrectly said that the ball had left Mahomes' hand, which is when the rule would have come into play.

  2. Just now, Cosmic said:

    So you can be hitting a guy, and the QB releases the ball, and then the thing you were already doing becomes illegal? According to Gene Steratore, yes.


    Yes, that's the rule.  Once it leaves the QB's hand, it's a pass and therefore you can't interfere with the receiver regardless of if you're within the 5 yards or not.

  3. It was not PI, but it was close - the fact that the flag came so long after the play makes it suspicious as hell.


    If the Chiefs score here, it's complete crap.  Even if they don't, the time-difference could have a big impact.


    Of course, Buffalo has to actually remember how an offense works or this is all moot.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    Fire McDermott. He's ever going to be the guy.


    Based on what the announcers were saying, he may not even have known they were going to do that since it may have been an automatic-audible due to there only being 10 men on defense.  (Assuming you're talking about what would have been a ridiculous fake to call in that situation.)

    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    Bills could always use another lineman. Come back, Kelce. There's space for you. We do the tush push and everything.


    Bills are up, KC has the ball and I have a pit in my stomach.


    While I think the only other team he'd consider playing for is the Chiefs, it would only be fair if he jumped to the Bills as a "repayment" for the Ass Birds taking another HOFer (Jason Peters) from Buffalo.


    And yeah - I'm pulling hard for Buffalo here, and don't feel good one bit.  KC is KCing again, and at this point, I can't see the Buffalo defense getting it done.


    It's believed that the "former head coach" is Frank Reich, who was the OC when they won the SB (though Pederson was calling plays.)


    Another rumored name for OC is Jim Bob Cooter.  I have no idea whether he's good or not.  But they can't do anything on the offensive side while Brian Johnson is Rooney Ruling, so it'll take a few weeks.  But the fact that Sirianni himself called Desai to fire him seems to indicate that he's capitulated and is returning,  I'm not sure if this is good or not.  Leaning towards not, as a full house cleaning seems warranted, but I'll talk myself into liking it.



  7. Wow.  I hadn't paid much attention to that logo, but now that I see all that crap that was forced in there, it may be my least-favorite logo in the past 10-15 years.  If it was for the team and not just a fan section, I'd say it's worse than the Slug.


    The really just slapped a slightly-modified Ohio in the ear for... reasons.


    Speaking of the Slug, I think I see it to the right of the stripe!   It's like they knew this logo was as bad as the Slug so they paid homage to it.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, floydnimrod said:

    I'd be willing to bet a hundred dollars they finish at least 2nd. They literally just finished 11-6. it's not like they went 2-15.


    No, they finished 1-6 (including the loss to TB.)

  9. The legacy Jets stripes are so easily fixable by simply flipping the colors in the shoulder insert.  It's literally so simple and wouldn't result in any change to the look (besides fixing the issue of the awkward extra white part.  It's so easy and doesn't require any changes to anything - just switch the inserts between the white and green jersey.

    • Like 2
  10. As predicted, but now credible reports (i.e. not Josina Anderson) saying that Howie/Lurie told Sirianni that he could keep his job, only if he fires both coordinators and other coaches and either goes with their list.  Supposedly, the DC hire (Desai) was his choice as a sort of flex, and he sold them on it, even though they recommended promoting the DB coach, who was promptly fired (and is now in line to be Baltimore's next DC, go figure) 


    The funny thing is that they haven't fired any coaches yet, but Howie has already made calls to agent of the guys on his list to set up interviews when it's time.


    Sirianni is mulling it over, but there's no way he doesn't do whatever they tell him to do, even if it means Howie sleeping with his wife.  Fortunately for him, Hurts' professional relationship with his homeboy OC seems to have deteriorated over the year, so maybe firing him won't cause as much of a riff as previously thought.



    Eagles are a complete dumpster fire and it's not going to get any better.  There's no way they finish higher than 3rd in the division next year.  


    They went from winning 30 of last 35 regular-season games (30 of 33 if we only count Hurts' starts) and two playoff games over the past three seasons, to a complete disaster over the course of two months.  Give me another example of a turn like this - you can't.


  11. 1 minute ago, Ted Cunningham said:

    I don't know how you feel about Romo, but I was recently talking to friends about how I think Olsen and Romo are similar in that they both seem so enthusiastic about watching the games in front them. From a layman's perspective, they both seem to know their stuff and provide some real insight, but they both also seem to be genuinely excited about what's happening on the field. Like you, I don't mind Buck and Aikman. But they also have a little more detached/aloof style; I don't know if that's because they've been doing it for so long and everything is just routine to them, or Aikman really isn't able to contribute as much as Olsen, et al.


    All that to say I, too, have enjoyed the games that Olsen has been a part of calling.


    I can't stand Romo.  He's way over the top with his excitement level.  It's like Olsen on Red Bull and a hoarse voice,

    • Like 4
  12. 7 hours ago, NOLAPelicans23 said:

    I don't get the hype around the "Sack Exchange" uniform. The number font is great, but outside of that, it feels lifeless and looks like something I would see in a TV ad. I think bringing back the old logo on the helmet with the current jersey would have worked well and been well-balanced. 


    I think a lot of the hype is due to how bad the current set is, and that anything is better.  It's not that the Sack Exchange uniforms are bad by any means, but simply reverting to them verbatim* would be an overcorrection.  It's not the same as going back to Namath era, which IMO should be their "forever" set, but it's also not the same as simply making a new uniform that doesn't completely suck ass and look like an Arena or spring-league set.


    *even if they go back, I'd bet that they change the size of the shoulder numbers and add the wordmark/logo under the collar to comply with today's norms, and in the case of the numbers, manufacturing standards.

    • Like 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Good thing they don't.  It looks like PeeWee football where teams only have one set.


    I used to feel the same way.  In fact, I've probably made posts adamantly against any notion of color v color games.


    But as I get older, I've backed off of some of my hard-line stances, and allow for some exceptions to my "rules".  This particular matchup, in a championship game, would be one of them (provided the Lions weren't mono-blue, because I'd never support anything that allows that stupid combo.)

    • Like 4
  14. 1 minute ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    And yet they hadn't allowed a 100 yard rusher in 51 games. How is that a little leaky?


    Maybe because they're usually leading and forcing opposing offenses to pass more?  I certainly haven't watched a ton of 49ers games, but my hunch is that their run defense hasn't really been tested.


    That being said, when you look at the talent on the line and LBs, they should be good when tested.  We'll (likely) see next week.

  15. Just now, BottomlessPitt said:


    I think the Cowboys & 49ers are both eternally cursed since their last titles came in '94 & '95 respectively. 


    And for the Cowboys, that's their last championship game appearance.  Not just win, but appearance.


    Let's give some respect to the GB defense.  Deebo is out, but someone's always out for them.  CMC has some great plays, which he should, because he's... well, great.  But overall GB has played an excellent defensive game.  Offense has controlled the ToP, and the defense has done its part - so far.

    • Like 1
  16. 16 minutes ago, HOOVER said:

    perfectly acceptable opinion, unless you're a jackass on a message forum. 


    You're right, it is a perfectly acceptable opinion, even if I vehemently disagree with it.


    Quit being so defensive.  Maybe loosen your tie.

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