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Who should replace griffey in the derby?


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I haven't seen any anouncement who is replaceing griffey in the HR Derby. (beltran on the team I know) If anyone has heard anything, I'd like to know. I'm thinking Pujols. He got second last year, a popular player, and he's got 22 HRs for a first place team. I mean, giambi's in it and he's got 11!!! I may be biased cause I'm a cards fan, but it just makes sense to me.

What do you all think?

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i was watching the game last night, and when the ball was hit, i was like please dont dive and screw up your shoulder, and then he blows his hamstring, its not really a surprise to me that he got hurt griffey, him being injured has become common place to reds fans



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i was watching the game last night, and when the ball was hit, i was like please dont dive and screw up your shoulder, and then he blows his hamstring, its not really a surprise to me that he got hurt griffey, him being injured has become common place to reds fans



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yeah...I heard. Its berkman. I never understood why players would decline. Can you get hurt basically taking batting practice? Maybe they want an extra day rest...I don't know. Oh well, it doesn't excite me the same as it did 24 hours ago with griffey in it anymore. I was hoping to save a little bit by adding pujols, but oh well.

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Who should replace Griffey?


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I never understood why players would decline. Can you get hurt basically taking batting practice?

I think the players can pull something during the home run derby. It's not just batting practice. With batting practice, you're only working on making contact with the ball. With home-run derby, every swing has to be a home run swing. The players get tired...that's why they only hit 2 or 3 in the final round.

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pcgd, you being a Cards fan like me, I'm surprised you don't know...Jim Edmonds injured his shoulder last year swinging in the derby, and it irritated him the whole rest of the year until he got surgery in the off season. I'd have love to see Pujols participate (I think he actually hit the most in the derby last year even though he got second) but, I don't blame him for sitting out.

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When I say BP, I mean the BP they take before the games where they launch Home Runs for fans. Its the same thing they do on game day and if they are a good player like many of them in the derby, their swing doesn't change.

What happened to edmonds was freak. Sosa was on the DL from a sneeze so you can't baby yourself forever. Just my feelings. Of course you know if pujols was in it, and he hurt himself I'd be screaming, WHY WOULD YOU DO IT??? ITS JUST A HOME RUN DERBY! :)

I'll still watch it I'm sure, and hope sosa hurts his sholder :P

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