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Cleveland Browns Concept


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Well, the time has come for a Cleveland Browns concept... I tried to stay traditional with the way the uniforms looked, but the main uni and primary color would be the orange, instead of the brown, because they already use orange for their helmet, why not for their unis? And I also made a brown alternate... So without further ado, here it is


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too me, a Browns fan, the changes are so minor to the overall effect of the jersey that i ask: what's the use? However, i do think your orange would make a better alt. than what they have. But pleeeease, do away with the brown facemasks...the white looks pure and is best



when you're replacing an old Carr, you need more than Les Miles

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I made more use of the Cleveland "B" logo, and I changed the face mask to white... After a while I was looking at it too and thinking "That helmet REALLY looked like dump had sex with vomit..."



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