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Milwaukee Elephants


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I came into this design with all this spunk and promise....and it ended on an bad note, I guess it was the whole IHA thing, and the fact that a baseball team I dont wanna be on is one game away from going to Peru, Illinois to play teams from another state...bah!

anyways heres the Elephants logo and wordmark...



if the watermark should be more uhh watery errr or more noticable tell me, im new to this stuff

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Not to put a damper on things but... I'd advise either watermarking your work heavily or taking it down for right now till all this clears up.

thats a good idea....i think i will watermark this baby good!

and thanks for the comment josh!

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hey evan how do you make a watermark with a design such as like your etd in photoshop?

naww, i futzed around a bit then i figured that you can change objects opacity, in the transperency area of Adobe Illustrator 10. I just made it at around 15 percent and there you go!

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::trying to think of reasons a Milwaukee team would be called the "Elephants"::

-A reference to the County Zoo? (BTW, I heard how they get the elephants out of the cage after they die... :puke: )

-The Brewers leave town and the A's move in?

Anyway, if it were a real team, I'd rock a t-shirt with that logo with pride...


Dubya's thoughts on "terrorist" nations: "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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::trying to think of reasons a Milwaukee team would be called the "Elephants"::

-A reference to the County Zoo? (BTW, I heard how they get the elephants out of the cage after they die... :puke: )

-The Brewers leave town and the A's move in?

Anyway, if it were a real team, I'd rock a t-shirt with that logo with pride...

haha you know? I was stumped for city names. So I just took the ol' Milwaukee way out!

Thats what I usally do when I have no idea what to put.

Thanks for the comments guys!

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