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World Series of Champions


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Ok, where do I begin. I watched many of the games and I was never impressed, but not always disgusted. Here are the ones I remember...

New Man U: Thought they'd be ok seeing them off a player. Then I saw them on the pitch. Looked like the jersey was on sideways. Like the neck was stretched in one direction and a white undershirt was showing through. Plus, didn't care for the white shorts. Kinda liked them in the black before.

Chelsea Black: Meh. Couldn't see the silver lettering at all. (night game) and just weird to see them in black. I know its an alternate but, didn't like it.

Celtic: I know its traditional with the stripes, but I'm not digging their look. Everyone looked like their kit was a size too big. Really baggy. Plus the black lettering. Maybe doing a rugby style letter with a white box around it would work. Also the red coors logo in the front clashed big time. Change the color!! And if an american beer is gonna sponsor a green team...how bout Rolling Rock? :)

AC Roma: wtf?? No offense but they all looked like they were going out clubbing or something to an all male hang out. If you get my drift. Form fitting kits, the weird stripe from the armpit. then, at the time I thought the sweat changed the color drasticallly. But, I was wrong. I guess its heat sensative as saintsfan pointed out in another thread.

Those are the ones I remember, anyone else post your thoughts....



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Has anyone got any pics? Particualarly of the Celtic and Roma shirts

Those new Chelsea alternates llok like traiuning shirts to me, not impressed with them.

really want top see the new Man United shirts in game action before commenting but they look ok to me so far.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Celtic's official sponsor is Carling which I think is owned by Coors which would explain the Coors light logo on Saturday. Can't really understand why would they do that for one game in Toronto. I saw pics from their other games and they all had 'Carling' on them :wacko:

I saw, I came, I left.

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Celtic's official sponsor is Carling which I think is owned by Coors which would explain the Coors light logo on Saturday. Can't really understand why would they do that for one game in Toronto. I saw pics from their other games and they all had 'Carling' on them :wacko:

Probably Carling is more popular in Scotland then here, and Coors Light is more popular here than Scotland.



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Celtic's official sponsor is Carling which I think is owned by Coors which would explain the Coors light logo on Saturday. Can't really understand why would they do that for one game in Toronto. I saw pics from their other games and they all had 'Carling' on them  :wacko:

Probably Carling is more popular in Scotland then here, and Coors Light is more popular here than Scotland.

I should clarify, Celtic played four games in North America. The previous games were all in the US and in all those games Celtic had the "Carling" patch.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Were celtic wearing the same strip as usual though, apart from the sponsors logo? they seem to be getting ready to launch a new home strip judging by the website. incidentally, it wouldn't be unheard of for a team to have different sposors on the home and road uniform. Interestigly though the new home kit only seems to be going on sale on september the 9th, well after the start of the SPL season.

I wouldn't be surprised if celtic wore the Coors patch for one game in North America, but I don't quitre understand why they would do it for just one game.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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the stripes they were wearing were actually kinda cool. It was a gradient stripe, dark green at top and bottom, lighter in the middle. Very very subtle.

This would explain the extra large kits that were bugging me if they were only wearing them for one game. the Coors logo did look like an add on after the fact...

All in all I like there's the best out of any I remember seeing...



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