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Great informative KC Arena Article

Ez Street

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Alright, well so i'm pimping my article i wrote for Chris's site. But i would like people to read it so they will realize Enterprise Rent-A-Car is SCUM.

Please feel free to comment on it.


Just got a chance to read that. Great article man. To hell with Enterprise Rent-a-Car. I can't see where they could possibly be coming from at all. :therock:


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Well i'm listening to Sports radio 810, and Enterprise is paying people to influence voters today. They have brought a bunch of people in from St. Louis to do their dirty work. This whole thing disgusts me. If this does not pass, i will be ashamed of Kansas City. It would go to show you how backward people can be around this neck of the woods. Let's be stuck in the past forever. <_<

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Enterprise is such an odd company. For one, it's one of the largest privately held corporations in the world (its stock is not sold to the public; it's mostly owned by brothers Jack and Andy Taylor), so that gives management a lot of discretion to act in ways that might ordinarily upset public shareholders who are sensitive to politically influenced market price fluctuations. The Taylors singlehandedly saved the world famous St. Louis Symphony Orchestra by issuing a $20 million challenge grant. They are huge patrons of the arts and other public causes and charities in St. Louis. On the other hand, they are also known as unscrupulous (and some have alleged highly unethical) businesspeople. This attack on the KC arena issue just seems odd to me - if the surcharge is going to affect them and their competition, who exactly is disadvantaged by its imposition? It's not going to impact very many people's decision to rent a car because THE KANSAS CITY AIRPORT IS 35 MILES AWAY FROM KANSAS CITY WITH NOTHING ELSE AROUND!!!!!! Simply put, if you fly to Kansas City, you're either going to rent a car or you are going to get only about as far as the Marriott hotel at the end of the runway.

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PS - Enterprise and Fleishman-Hillard are both St. Louis companies and even though there may be St. Louis residents involved in this campaign, this is by no means a St. Louis vs. Kansas City issue. Most St. Louis sports fans that I talk to are very much in favor of the new arena and would love to have a KC rival for the Blues.

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PS - Enterprise and Fleishman-Hillard are both St. Louis companies and even though there may be St. Louis residents involved in this campaign, this is by no means a St. Louis vs. Kansas City issue.  Most St. Louis sports fans that I talk to are very much in favor of the new arena and would love to have a KC rival for the Blues.

Oh, i know it's not a StL vs. KC thing. But when a STL Company does this, it makes STL look bad. I have no doubt that STL would love to have us in the NHL. I await the day when i can go to a Blues vs. KC game.

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My personal favorite was when Enterprise brought in a guy from San Francisco to help explain their position and all he said was something along the lines of if this bill passes, then no more tourists will ever come to KC because car rental rates would be too high. I guess that goes to show that even ERC knows they're fighting a losing battle.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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The thing is something like 50 other cities have done something similar to this. I know for a fact that other cities have fees on rental cars for arenas. Little Rock is one i heard of the other day.

I'm just curious, but did similar things happen when other cities (Cleveland is one off the top of my head) put arena taxes to a vote??

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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not that i've ever heard of. Basically other cities passed theirs with ease.

And apparently, so has KC. The arena tax passed!! Hello Big XII, NHL, NBA, etc.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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Kemper is huge (not in a good way), in a really bad part of town, horribly outdated, bird infested, run(-down) by the city, the list goes on and on.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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While at Lunch i was listening to "The Program" with Soren Petro, he said some time soon the NHL will be announcing their interest in Kansas City as a possible market for relocation. This was comming from a good source i believe.

A snippet from the KC Star today:

One week ago, former NHL owner Howard Baldwin said he would begin to form an ownership group if the arena vote passed. On Tuesday, Baldwin pledged to move forward on the issue. Kansas City has been without an NHL team since the Scouts departed in 1976.

“I heard about the vote. That's just great,” said Baldwin, who founded the Hartford Whalers and later served as part owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins. “We've got to roll up our sleeves and make it happen.”

Paul McGannon, a Kansas City businessman who is dedicated to bringing the NHL to Kansas City, spoke about Leiweke's strong ties to the NHL. In fact, the NHL executive committee meets today — the same committee on which Leiweke sits — and McGannon imagines the new arena here will be a topic.

“I'm confident we will get a team,” McGannon said. “I want to see the Stanley Cup raised here.”

Well Baldwin has ties to Pittsburgh and Carolina(Hartford), that boads well for our chances. Several years ago, then Mayor Emanuel Clever tried to lure the Penguins to KC. Should be interesting from here on. They also mentioned the possiblity of a relocated team playing in Kemper till the Sprint Center is done in Early 2007.

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