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New football template


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I'm happy to release my new football template.

My old one is setup as if it has pads under it, and I decided I don't like that. I prefer a flat setup.

I have this in vector and raster format. I have 8 different cuts included. Eight .gifs or one .eps.

There are mesh inserts available, as well as the Giants and Bills style of tapering collars.

When rasterizing some quality was obviously lost. Overall, the only thing I'm not big on after looking back is the mesh inserts. I feel the holes are too big, and there are not enough. I may release an improvement on that later, but for now I will leave it.

I put a copyright thing on the page for protection, but obviously I share the templates with all of you.

And finally, the link.



I know this could go under templates, and it will, but sometimes with a lack of movement from those threads I forget to check it, so I wanted everyone to see this.

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Thanks STLfan - great work, now I will put them to use.  I have yet to post anything and this will be a great start.

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

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