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NBA all-star game 07 in vegas


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When i heard the NBA might choose a non-nba city for the all star game i thought it was pretty sweet. The ideas i had for the 07 vegas logo and court desgin was


*red,gold,and black


* You have a mountain in the background with dice rolling with the name Los Vegas 2007.

Court Design:

*You have the logo in the middle

* You have a basketball with with 07 in it or rolling dice with 07 across it

if anybody wants to create it i like to see what my ideas look like.i'll give create


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Generally, asking guys to turn your ideas into a concept doesn't work here. People who make concepts are generally hit with their own inspirations, and are usually more comfortable coming up with everything, even the base ideas for it, on their own. If you have the skills, put something together, no matter how bad or good it is, and it could spark someone to try their own design of it.

I will say this: Gold seems like a no-brainer for one of the colors. However, I wonder if they'll use anything gambling related in the logo. Sure, cards or dice can fit real well with a logo(Nitroseed did a perfect logo for an Atlantic City based fantasy team), but I wonder if the NBA will specfiically ask the designers to incorporate some other Vegas landmark, like the mock skyline created by famous casinos such as Stardust, Paris, NY/NY and Lynx or, perhaps the Strip, the famous mainstreet of Vegas in which everything lies on.


New York Jets |3-3| First, AFC East

New York Mets |74-88| Fourth, NL East

New York Islanders|34-37-11| Fifth, Atlantic Division

New Orleans Hornets |21-45| Third, Southwest Division

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