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NHL Magazines


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Hi, longer time reader first time poster.

I'm trying to track down the following 2005-6 NHL Magazines:

McKeen's 2005-06

Sporting News NHL

The Hockey News NHL

The SportsForecaster NHL

Offical Yearbook NHL (the glossy magazine)

I have the misfortune of living in the Hockey Vacuum that is New Zealand.

Can anyone help, they'll be a finders fee included.

Thank you


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I picked up the hockney news mag the other day, quite good if I say so myself.

The sporting news magazine is a "MUST LEAVE" because their rosters are very out of date (not many if any AUG.1st signings) and they have 2 pages per team. One page is filled up with the roster/schedule, and the other: a big picture and some writing. The only good thing about that magazine is that the have the Top 99 reasons why to love hockey.

My Grades on these 2 mags:

THN Yearbook: A-

Sporting News: D+

I'm really hoping the Official NHL Yearbook comes out. Hopefully different from the 2004 magazine where they spaced out the writing and took out many of their cool feature from their 90s mags.

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I've seen the Hockey News and Sporting News versions at a few newsstands. I picked up the THN version (the Boston Bruins cover). You can find it at the Hockey News website http://www.thn.com and look under "THN Store" for "Special Issues".

I haven't checked out the Sporting News site, but I'd imagine you can order one from there as well.

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Anyone else notice in the Sporting News' 2005-06 NHL Preview book that probably half of all the pictures in the book were taken in St. Louis? (And that doesn't explain who appears in the top corner of page 24.)

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