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DC under pressure from MLB


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Foxsports have an article about concerns of MLB over DC's ability to get agreements by 12/31.

Will DC get the short end again?

MLB wanted the team in washington so they need to get off their butts and help them build a stadium, if they move again MLB is gonna turn into a joke.

Somebody please get selig out of office.


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Foxsports have an article about concerns of MLB over DC's ability to get agreements by 12/31.

Will DC get the short end again?

MLB wanted the team in washington so they need to get off their butts and help them build a stadium, if they move again MLB is gonna turn into a joke.

Somebody please get selig out of office.

i agree that selig needs to go...

but isn't MLB already somewhat of a joke? between a work stoppage every 3-4 years, and public opinion that every record in baseball was set with the use of performance enhancing drugs, baseball has lost a little bit of it's credibility.

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A little credibility? That's understating the obvious. Some, what, nine workstoppages in 30 years, a tie in the All-Star game, no World Series in '94 (that was the straw that broke it for me), records that may forever be tainted. It's lost a lot of credibility, and every HOFer that admitted to steroids should be thrown out. If the Pete Rose and the Black Sox can be banned for cheating, these guys should, too.

::getting off of my soap box::


"I secretly hope people like that hydroplane into a wall." - Dennis "Big Sexy" Ittner

POTD - 7/3/14

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Foxsports have an article about concerns of MLB over DC's ability to get agreements by 12/31.

Will DC get the short end again?

Hey, thanks for the link... :rolleyes:

ok because it is hard to type in www.foxsports.com, click on mlb, and click again on the heading here is the link...




just being a sarcastic, for it is the only thing I offer

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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A little credibility? That's understating the obvious. Some, what, nine workstoppages in 30 years, a tie in the All-Star game, no World Series in '94 (that was the straw that broke it for me), records that may forever be tainted. It's lost a lot of credibility, and every HOFer that admitted to steroids should be thrown out. If the Pete Rose and the Black Sox can be banned for cheating, these guys should, too.

::getting off of my soap box::

Rose and the Black Sox didn't cheat, they gambled and threw/potentially threw (I doubt Rose's gambling affected how he played/managed much, but you never know) games.

Steriod users would be considered cheaters, but what about the pitchers who are in the Hall who know admit to doctoring balls and whatnot? Throw them out too?

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A little credibility?  That's understating the obvious.  Some, what, nine workstoppages in 30 years, a tie in the All-Star game, no World Series in '94 (that was the straw that broke it for me), records that may forever be tainted.  It's lost a lot of credibility, and every HOFer that admitted to steroids should be thrown out.  If the Pete Rose and the Black Sox can be banned for cheating, these guys should, too.

::getting off of my soap box::

Rose and the Black Sox didn't cheat, they gambled and threw/potentially threw (I doubt Rose's gambling affected how he played/managed much, but you never know) games.

Steriod users would be considered cheaters, but what about the pitchers who are in the Hall who know admit to doctoring balls and whatnot? Throw them out too?

Or all the players that have used "greenies" in the past?

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