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Ditch the Black


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I understand the point of the community, just saying that there are probably more important issues that you could get behind than whether the Mets have black in their uniforms. Since I would rather not get into a political discussion, I'll leave it at that.

Why would a columnist who makes his living writing and reporting on sports uniforms start a "save the whales" or "feed the third world" campaign? He deals in sports uniforms, that's his job. To complain that he's wasting his time with something devoted to sports uniforms is ridiculous. If you disagree with his assessment on the Mets and their use of black, say so, but don't ridicule him for doing his job.

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I wasn't saying anything about the guy starting the petition. The guy can do whatever he wants. I don't know that I'd necessarily be giving him "props" for putting effort into such a worthy cause. My post was more tongue-in-cheek than anything else, which I'm sure his was as well.

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I think there's a happy medium in this whole Mets/black debate. What if they leave the home and away unis as-is (including the plain white, striped, and grey), and wear only the blue hat with all three. Then have a black alternate (either one but only one) and only wear the black hat with those.

This way you'll have a much bigger dose of blue without completely nixing the black. Fair?

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I understand the point of the community, just saying that there are probably more important issues that you could get behind than whether the Mets have black in their uniforms. Since I would rather not get into a political discussion, I'll leave it at that.

Why would a columnist who makes his living writing and reporting on sports uniforms start a "save the whales" or "feed the third world" campaign? He deals in sports uniforms, that's his job. To complain that he's wasting his time with something devoted to sports uniforms is ridiculous. If you disagree with his assessment on the Mets and their use of black, say so, but don't ridicule him for doing his job.

I think Paul's heading into Fox News territory here: when someone who "reports" the "news" on uniforms, etc, inserts himself into the "news" in this way, how can you trust him to bring you the other side on this issue? Too much feedback/feedforward with other media here, as he covers other sites coverage of HIS OWN petition...something smells here, and it doesn't smell good...


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