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Iran earthquake disaster


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I thought I would bring up a major tragedy. All of you might have heard about the earthquake in Bam, Iran that was killed up to 30 000 people. This is a sad, sad conclusion to 2003! This is must be one of the most tragic events we may ever hear about which includes 9/11, famine and wars in poor countries etc. My condolences goes out to all that has been affected.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Because, IIRC, after he donated the money (to NYC, I believe) he basically went on record and said the U.S. deserved what happened on 9/11.

And why can't the Iranians just swallow their religious and nationalistic feelings for once and accept whatever aid they're being offered? After all, they took our aid, and we're The Great Satan to them...



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Whow! Whow! now! ease back on the 9/11 references. We have had enough chatter on that. We are talking about a natural disaster here, not a premeditated one! But, I guess the Iranian government's refusal of Israeli aid is purely based on religion and Israel's presence in the middle east.

As a purely secular person, I am quite puzzled that the Iranian government did not accept Israeli aid considering they need all the help they can get.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Iran - the Government, sucks balls and should be destroyed.

Now with politics out of the way, this is one of the worst natural disasters i can remember. THe numbers are so high, it's hard to picture, it's hard to realize. There are enough dead to fill up most indoor Arenas twice. ThinK of filling up Wrigley Field with dead... It's....

It is a mighty tragedy. I think the last thing we should do is play a numbers game, or try and have a competition of what tragedy is the more horrific. People are dead. Alot of People are dead. Sympathies to the people of Iran, Fu*k the Government of Iran, because they don't care about their people.

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