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The sig everyone was waiting for.....


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Maybe I am alone, but I hate all these damn "sig" threads. It's ridiculous. If you have a signature and it is nice, put it in your sig. Someone will make a comment on it if they like it. I don't know. Maybe I am off base here but it just seems ridiculous that every second thread is "Check out these hot sigs!" or "Fresh SIGS, I'll make you one!".

Anyways, proceed...

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Actually, thats the joke....glad to see you got it and it pissed you off =).....plus its an SJSU player....who cares but me and the other SJSU guy on this board!

The crpping was quick and I couldnt find a very good photo that was large enough.

Thanks for the compliment on the idea. I wish I had taken more time, but you know.

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