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Washington Capitals

Le Québécois

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Good design. I just have never figured out that logo. It looks like an "F", and what does an "F" have to do with Washington or Capitals? There is no "F" in either one of them. Plus the eagle looks blind.



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Good design. I just have never figured out that logo. It looks like an "F", and what does an "F" have to do with Washington or Capitals? There is no "F" in either one of them. Plus the eagle looks blind.

It is in the shape of Washington D.C., I believe.

You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Good design. I just have never figured out that logo. It looks like an "F", and what does an "F" have to do with Washington or Capitals? There is no "F" in either one of them. Plus the eagle looks blind.

It is in the shape of Washington D.C., I believe.


Its a stretch...

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Good design. I just have never figured out that logo. It looks like an "F", and what does an "F" have to do with Washington or Capitals? There is no "F" in either one of them. Plus the eagle looks blind.

It is in the shape of Washington D.C., I believe.


Its a stretch...

Well, either that, or it's completley random.


You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Good design. I just have never figured out that logo. It looks like an "F", and what does an "F" have to do with Washington or Capitals? There is no "F" in either one of them. Plus the eagle looks blind.

It is in the shape of Washington D.C., I believe.


Its a stretch...

Well, either that, or it's completley random.


Oh, I thought it was in the shape of the oval office...



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i think the eagle is fugly. not a bad design, i just dont like that logo. and i think the Caps should be red, not blue. but those are the only qualms.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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