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Rebranding my fantasy league!


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Here's the first of the two expansion teams in the league this year, the Chubby Babies. Don't know any story behind the team name, and nothing very personal about the owner went into the logo. I may try a full baby logo later, I just didn't have much time. I got the color inspiration from the Chargers, just because I think it is a great color combo. Anyway the middle of the C is supposed to be a baby crying, and the tears are outside that.


Next team should be the Oak Tree Squirrels... so stay tuned! :)

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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Alright here's the next team, the Oak Tree Squirrels. I had some trouble with this one, and I may go back and work on it some more. But it's basically a squirrel's head, growling, hissing, whatever squirrels do. So lets bring on that C&C!


Next team I'll do is gonna be the wolverines.

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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I don't think squirrels have ears, at least not in my reference picture...

Anyway, here's the next team: Mt. Rushmore Team America. The name a mouthful, trust me, I know. The league usually just calls them Team America, but I went ahead and used what the owner got for inspiration: Team America World Police. I tried to make the characters into a Mount Rushmore. I think it came out pretty well. Although, I might change the wordmark at the bottom so that it isn't so high in the black area.


Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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squirrels do have ears, it looks like maybe they were sticking back in the picture you used, so you can't see them. The logo definitely needs ears. That logo is probably my least favorite of these so far. Try using a different picture, or use several pictures. Also, you use inkscape, right? How did you get the wordmark warped that way? The only thing I can do to text is arc it in inkscape.


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I also have Illistrator, but I don't really know how to use it yet. I also used Live Trace to get the shadow of the characers, then used Inkscape and even Photoshop for that one, the rest of them have been done on Inkscape only.

I also do think the squirrel one needs work, one of the things I'm not very good at is shading. It's probably my biggest weak point. It kind shows on that one.

Anyway, I also have the next team: the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, yet another original name <_< I'm gonna try and get him to at least change the Fighting Irish part, cause my team is the Irish! I'm gonna be breaking out a Pirate logo next for the same team, which I hope he switches to. This logo has a Shillelagh with the team name under it, I also avoided green because I feel we have enough green in the league :P


Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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Alright here's the Pirates logo I wanna try and change him to, I also wanna do just an ND logo for like a primary, cause this is more of a wordmark.


And if I'm not mistaken only one team to go, another creative team name: Michigan Wolverines <_<

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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Here's the ND logo I promised, hopefully he uses Pirates instead of Fighting Irish. I also hope to finish the last team by today, then I may go back and rework a few. Here's the ND logo:


Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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Alright, last but not least here is the 12th and final team, the Michigan Wolverines. I strayed away from the block M and the Blue and Maize. Went with something completely different. Anyway here is the Wolverines:


Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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That looks good, but the mouth needs a little bit of work. Also, where the jaw area is, and it goes up quite a bit, then back down, it makes the snout area kinda skinny, looking more like a wolf. Wolverines look more like bears in the face, with the shorter, fatter snout. Try decreasing the amount it goes up and back down at the bottom, it should make it seem a little fatter. Other than those small things though, this looks great.

Edit: I also just noticed the space between the L and V looks a little odd. Try converting it to paths, and then take the WOL and move it to the right just a little bit. The rest of the letters are really tight together, so that is pretty noticable.


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