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Stonebridge HS Armadillos concept...


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Hey everyone... This is a concept for a comic book project I am working on the main character is a HS football player. Figured it was a great opportunity for me to give one of these helmet/jersey/logo concepts a try. would love some feedback though. I know the logo is a lil rough... I have no clue what I am doing with Illustrator or how to clean it up so please try to ignore that part. Keep in mind this design is for a comic book too so everything in the book will be hand drawn. k well let 'er rip...

There is the home jersey then 2 helmets(they are not different colors to each side) then I threw in a pic of the character :)





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i like it, but i'm not a huge fan of the "dillos" on the front of the jersey. i love your drawing of the football player though!



"Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?"-Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), Parks and Recreation

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i like it, but i'm not a huge fan of the "dillos" on the front of the jersey. i love your drawing of the football player though!

Yeah Dillos sounds alot like Dildos. It probably looks alot like the word dildo too when it's seen from a side angle. If you're making some kind of comic or animation, that might not be so good.


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With what you're doing this for, i think it works great. As comic book jerseys, I think they're awesome. Really nice. Colors will stand out in a comic book. With that said, if you proposed this as an actual jersey concept, I wouldn't like it nearly as much. It's a little busy.

One thing though: You're making a comic book? Whaddya need the Nike swoosh for? Also, be careful how its drawn, because, a side view could make dillos look like dildos.


Sig courtesy of LEWJ

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i like it, but i'm not a huge fan of the "dillos" on the front of the jersey. i love your drawing of the football player though!

Yeah Dillos sounds alot like Dildos. It probably looks alot like the word dildo too when it's seen from a side angle. If you're making some kind of comic or animation, that might not be so good.

yeah thats exactly what i was trying to say, without being so... you know... but that's exactly what i thought of when i saw that




"Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?"-Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler), Parks and Recreation

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HAHA! thanks guys the thought never even crossed my mind about the whole dildo thing... I just had "home of the fighting 'dillos" in mind and thought armadillos was too long to put on the jersey. seemed like most HS had either the school name or mascot across the fronts of there jerseys... at least from what i remember of the teams we played.

I realize the design is busy but like jman pointed out it is a concept for a comic book not something that would ever be considered for any team in real life. what superhero isn't a lil over done and wearing some busy looking over the top tights or costume. oh well just thought you guys would find it interesting and it was something fun i could throw out there from work.

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