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Prodigy Thread: Apprentice Challenge 5


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Not bad. I don't like how the jersey uses dark green for the wing, while the shorts use the yellow, though. Here is an update of the ones I posted. A yellow alt is on the way too. The sublimated pattern down the side is meant to resemble feathers. On the alt, it covers more of the jersey. I will have that up in a minute.


Also, guys. I have to work at 11 tomorrow, so we will need to be done before then. Just letting you know, so you don't think we have until 12.


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I really think you're onto a winner there, DP, except for one little thing... I'd ruffle out the bottom yellow, make it jaded, to mimic the wings. Outside of that, I truly think we might be ready for posting these.

Okay, I will do that. What about the football helmet, what should we go with there? I think I am going to try to execute the wing design on the jerseys a little better.


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I probably wont be around tomorrow morning either. Really sorry I havent done a thing yet. If I had posted that "Huge O" idea when I thought of it, before Optimus did, I think we'd be better off, since I think my version was better than theirs. But, whatever. They got there first.

If we lose, and I have to go, I understand.


I agree with bruschi about the latest basketball idea. It doesnt seem "revolutionary" enough. Also, I dont like the spot of yellow on the duck's wing, and it still seems too short.

I like the idea of a suck-head helmet. Its quirky, and its a risk, but I think its worth it and will work if done right.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Okay, it has been posted, guys. Sorry that the football jerseys weren't done earlier, so I could get your feedback. The explanations probably aren't very good because I am really tired. I need to get to bed, since I have to get up in a few hours. I can't wait to see who wins this challenge.


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Congrats to everybody, in what I think was the most lopsided (not only in judges scores but also in personal perception) competition yet. Even when they, as a unit, had a head start (that they didn't utilize, but still).

DP deserves about a billion brownie points.

Now here's hoping we can keep the momentum going.

On one last thing, not trying to get a war of words starting, but what's "cheap" about knowing the limitations placed on particular logos? To me, I think if you made a big mistake like that in the real world, it would be your ass on the line, and no one else's, but I could be wrong.

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Yeah, neither do I. That was a fair thing to say, and a huge part of it. They shouldve researched. They shouldve used their head start.

Needless to say, whatever theyre feeling, we have already felt and they will get no sympathy from me.

They think they had the best design and dont know why the judges were so enamoured with ours...yeah...uh...we felt the EXACT same way with the last challenge... we were 110% confident with our design, and what happened? It got ripped to shreds by the judges while theirs, which we thought wasnt very good, was praised greatly. Heck, I felt the same when we won the second challenge because I thought it shouldnt have been close, not just because our design was that good, which it was, but because I thought their design in that challenge was, and I say this as unbiasedly as I can, really bad.

Thats the thing about competitions like this...its all matters of opinion...unexpected calls happen, and happen to both sides, and what the judges think, what you think, what the other team thinks is all different, but just because it isnt what you think doesnt mean its unfair, you may actually just be wrong...that happens in any judged competition...deal with it, I say. We had to, why not them? There are more rounds to go and they still have a nice lead - they shouldnt complain.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Yeah, I respect that he felt theirs was better, and they should, as should we. If you don't even think your own team's submission is better, then you probably should have went in a different direction. It was kind of classless to trash our concept on their board though. Oh well, all that matters is what the judges think, and they thought ours was better.

Oh, also, do we not get a head start on the next challenge?


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