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Anaheim Ducks Concept


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OK, I decided to do a concept for a team that I think has potential to look great, but instead it's kinda bad: The Ducks. At first, I wanted to do a Wildwing recolor, but I tried it out and didn't like it too much. Maybe I'll post a version with the Wildwing logos later. But instead, I used the D-logo, since I figure that'd work much better for a hockey crest than the dreadful script that they have going on. I also traditional-ized the striping designs, and cut off the serifs on the number. I also added an orange alt, since I figured there's a lack of orange in the NHL, and this would sorta fit. So without further ado, here it is, y'all:







So yeah. Booyah. C&C plz?



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The hem stripes need to be as thick as the sleeve stripes, and the shoulder stripes need to be thicker to, perhaps to the line on the template?

Otherwise, its too "Rangers" for my taste. Just doesnt fit the ducks.

EDIT: also, I know youre doomed to either looking too much like the pens or flyers here with the colors the ducks use....but having a pens-like color combo is always better than a flyers looking one. :D

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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The problem I have with these is they do no flow. The number font, logo, and jersey design do not mesh at all. I know the numbers are their doing, but maybe you could try out a different font that fits the logo? I think the jersey design is too traditional for a team like this. Make it more modern, while still keeping it classy and you will have something to work with. I can't really give you too much more criticism because I am working on a Ducks concept of my own right now, and I would just be pushing you in the direction I am going. I admire what you tried to do, but make it all work together more and you will be better off.

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You need more white in the home jersey, the orange and white look good together. Way to much black in the home jersey for my taste.

The away is good, but the alternate ... yikes. Once again the lack of white hurts and an orange helment? :blink: Stick with a black one, please!



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You really need to add another color to the arm and waist stripes on the black one. Also, the numbers should be white. I know you're trying to emphasize the color orange but over here, it's a little over the top not in a good way.

The away jersey is pretty nice. However, you should make those extra thin copper stripes visible. I like the copper on the Ducks jerseys so it should be added in some form.

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