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Another Discrim Blowout


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So many ideas, so little time. Let's get to the meat and potatoes...

Vols football

you may remember i did a UT uniform a while back. i strike again, although there are very noticeable differences that you'll see when you click. most notably i added an alternate jersey

DePaul hoops

for some reason i liked their jerseys from a few years ago over the current ones. a few years ago depaul's roads had black #s on blue, now they are white #s on blue. and yeah, i know eddy curry never played a minute for DePaul, but my cuz fantasized about it sometimes :D

and shaking the baseball rust off, the Astros

as you'll see, i used the 94-99 logo, although the colors aren't exactly the shades they used at the time. in fact, when i was working on this, the colors struck me as anti-Laker...that is, the intended navy blue lent itself to a purplish look as well.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Some times you hit a homer and sometimes you strike out, and all 3 of these are not very good.

I hate the font on the Tennessee jerseys, but I do like the ckerboard mathcing the endzone on teh sides.

The DePaul font is not very good either, and the Astros just dont look right they look too much like TATC jersyes for my liking.



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UT Vols-leave the blue and the alternate out. Otherwise, :notworthy:

DePaul-Not cuttin' it for me

Astros-Like the colors (which, IMO, depict Astros better than red and black). However, I don't like the vertical wordmarks or the nameplate under the numbers.

All in all, very Discrim-esque. Way to think outta the box. It's definitely something to get the creative juices flowing.


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