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PRODIGY: Challenge 8


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Alrighty, boys. This is the last team challenge. Bruschi is back on prodigy, leaving us three originals.

Lets end this marathon of team challenges with a bang before we go on to beat the living crap out of each other.

This is an NHL thing, so this is right up my alley. Hockey unis are my specialty.

Here are our city choices:






Vancouver would be a good choice, but we should go with Baltimore, Cleveland, or Louisville, since they only shortly (or never) had a team.

Some name ideas of mine:

Baltimore Crabs

Baltimore Yankees

Baltimore Shipmen

Cleveland Lakers

Louisville Twisters

Louisville Cyclones

Louisville Jockeys

Louisville Racers

Remember, guys. This has to be old school. Names, unis, and logos need to be like something from the 60s and 70s. This should not be hard seeing that a few NHL teams still have logos from that era, or earlier.

Mods, please sticky this.


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Yep, the logo should just be simple, i.e. Maple Leafs, Red Wings, etc. I'm liking Cleveland or Baltimore. I'll think of some names soon.

Cleveland Barons (several past Cleveland hockey teams, including one that would have been playing in the 60s, used this name)

Cleveland Foresters (forest city)

Baltimore Mobbers or something along those lines

On second thought, Vancouver or Buffalo could be used as well. This takes place before the Canucks or Sabres were formed, so we could still use them nicely. For Vancouver I'm thinking something to do with the abstract indian art the northwest is known for.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I like Cleveland Foresters, but I am not sure what we could do with that as far as the logo goes. I am not great at coming up with names. I read a little bit about those cities, but didn't come up with much. Going along with the horse-racing theme for Louisville, maybe the thoroughbreds? I will not be around much tomorrow, or Wednesday, but after that I should be around quite a bit.


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come on, lets get some more ideas flowing here. here's some for buffalo

buffalo northerners (on north side of USA, i don't know ahhaa)

buffalo royals (the queen city)

buffalo iroquois (tribe famous in western new york)

something to do with niagra falls

also, for baltimore maybe something to do with "bay." looking at past and present teams from that area many of them use the word bay in their nickname, bayhawks, stuff like that.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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We don't have a lot of time this challenge, and there are quite a few requirements. I like the Buffalo Iroquois idea, and have been trying to work on something for it. The pattern on the Iroquois flag would look good on a jersey, I think.


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Thing is, I dont really like Iriqouis as the name of a team. Indians, Natives, or something like that would work, but then again, you still have the whole thing against using Native Americans as team names. I know that this didnt really exist in the 60's, so it should be ok, but I think we can do better name-wise, and I think we should stick with one of the cities that doesnt currently have an NHL team.


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Guys, can we at least decide on a name, or narrow it down to a few?

Here is a very rough sketch of an idea for the Cleveland Foresters. It is a circle, with an axe coming through it, coming from under the circle on the left and over it on the right. The way the axe crosses it on the right, it helps form a C for Cleveland, with a tree filling the circle and strengthening the 'forester' imagery. I think it fits the era also. Let me know what you guys think.



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Its good. Nice and simple, and definately looks like something from the 60's. My only problem is the color of the handle. Maybe make it brown and the C and blade of axe black?

The thing is, I want the C to be much darker than the handle, so it can't be read as a 'G'. Maybe I should just darken the cream a little bit?


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Sure, try darkening it a bit. I think it might look better if the tree was more like in the original sketch and was cut in half by a white outline of the axe handle. Maybe make the stump and tree itself connected and all green too? I know it isn't biologically correct but it might look better.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I disagree. Keep the tree whole, or else it wouldnt look like much of anything is there. Or, maybe, just make the white outline very small, and follow suit with the other places the white outline does that, if you understand.

Here is a jersey idea of mine. I really dont like the white one, but I do like the green one. I borrowed some ideas from teams of the time, such as many lines on hem, socks, and sleeves, and a shoulder yoke.

The stripes probably need a big re-working.

Obivously, yes, we cannot post this in the edge template, but this is just an idea. Obviously when we present it, it will have to be on a retro template.



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Here it is with your suggestions, Chestnutz. I will also try Maz's suggestions. Also, I was thinking possibly having brown be the primary color. I know green would be the more obvious choice, but brown is unique. I am not a fan of so many stripes on a jersey, I think it could be cut down a bit. Could you try it with just five stripes, instead of seven? I will also try some ideas for jerseys, but I don't know a whole lot about hockey uniforms.



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