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New Minnesota Swarm home jerseys


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Those of you who follow the NLL probably know by now that this season they've adopted the NHL's rule of having the home team wear colored uniforms and the visitors wear white. So the Minnesota Swarm took the opportunity to redesign their home blues, and unveiled them last night at their home opener:

img0055zy9.th.jpg img0085wd5.th.jpg

A quick summary of the changes:

  • Other than the logos, there's no white or gray trim to be found anywhere - just solid gold on solid blue.
  • They've gone the Atlanta Thrashers route with the logos on the jerseys: The home jerseys now sport the secondary as the crest, with the primary logo/wordmark as the shoulder patch. The away jerseys are the same as last season's home jerseys (i.e. with the primary in front and the secondary on the shoulders), except for the sponsor's patch.
  • Speaking of the sponsor's patch, they've made it considerably larger and moved it to the lower back. The sponsor itself has changed too; it is now Wells Fargo (it used to be one of the local casinos).

CCSLC signature.png

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I really, really don't like the secondary being given such a prominent place on the home jerseys. It's pretty weak and leaves the front of the jersey with way, way too much dead space.

While the old jerseys were rather busy, I think they've gone too far the other way, and the two color jerseys do not look professional at all. They honestly look like beer league jerseys done on a budget. I mean, c'mon, if you aren't going to trim the yellow stripes with a bit of white or grey, how about two color numbers at least?


Click here to read Third String Goalie - The Hockey Jersey of the Day Blog

Click here to see my hockey and baseball jersey collection online

?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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