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Older Logos on the site


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I'm not sure exactly how to ask this question without sounding pompous, so I'll preface it by saying that I think this site is absolutely amazing. I read the forums a lot (don't post too often, though), and before that I loved just browsing through the logo pages. Like many of you, I'm a fanatic about logos, and that's why I have this question.

I notice that many of the older logos on the site are not vector images (I think that's what you call them. I'm not a design person...so I could be wrong), and look something like this:


What does/would it take to turn something like that into a vector image much in line with what we see for more current logos and patches coming out? I think the site would go from fantastic to ... well it would have to be THE destination for all things sports logos and history (if it isn't already) if the historic logos like this one were turned into quality images like the new stuff.

I hope people don't think I'm saying "Come on guys...work harder on this" because I know how much work is done to maintain and expand it already. I was just curious if it could be done at all, and if maybe some day there were plans to do it.

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The simple answer is someone has to draw it, otherwise they use scans like what you posted above.

If you specifically want one you can request it in the request boards and someone will help you out.

For this one, there is a thread going on right now with a whole bunch of rightly-colored anniversary type logos like this, maybe you can request it there as well.

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I found logos and I did the best I could to edit them for the site, they aint perfect buts its nice to have them. If someone has the time to improve it go right ahead.



For the best in sports history go to the Sports E-Cyclopedia at



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I found logos and I did the best I could to edit them for the site, they aint perfect buts its nice to have them. If someone has the time to improve it go right ahead.

You've done an absolutely fantastic job in compiling them!

Thanks all for the responses. I wasn't looking for any one logo specifically (the Reds one was just an example), I just wondered what the process would be like. Just being inquisitive!

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