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Logo, shirt, cap and web design for My Town's Drunk Team's Challenge!


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Hi everybody! I am an everyday reader of this boards and a few-occasionally poster. First of all I have to ask forgiveness because of my poor english level. I am from Catalonia (is not Spain), a country which is not a World Top on Foreign Language Education.

So, I want to introduce you some concept I've done for something like a Drunk Party in my town. We compete in team's about 30 to 50 people, doing crazy things all the night and passing challenges to score points and, at 10 am more or less, become the Champions of the Challenge!

It's our fourth year participating, and I've decided to do something for the team. First of all I designed a primary and a secondary logo, then I've putted them on a shirt and a cap that we will wear for the challenge and finally I've made some pre-design of how the web should look. I better stop writting and introduce you to my concept:

*Legend* In the image number two the banana in the links of the left represents the interaction between mouse and interface. When you put the mouse upon a link the banana appears to indicate that you're about to click the link. In the same page, white represents the activated link, in this case it means that you are on the home page (Index). In the second one, the banana's are like stars or category of the person which we're presenting. It's the team's four year, so if the current it's your fourth presence four bananas, three, two (like it's the case...)




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That monkey logo is awesome, the banana is executed excellently, the hat is really cool, and so is the T-Shirt. As bs said, the color scheme is nice too. I'd be happy to wear this outfit if I had a drunk team of my own. Fantastic job.

And your English is actually really good!

P.S. What is the website URL? I would like to check it out.

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Thanks for the C&C, I really apreciate it!

There's no website URL for now, I've done that yestarday 'cause I have no homework and I was divine-inspired. The contest will take place at the end of july, so it'll take a long for the website to be on air.

I have to show this to my friends, but if a place where the best designer's you can found on the internet likes it I am so confidence about them to LOVE IT.

Finally, answering to TalktoChuck question, the winners have the right to wear an special shirt for a parallel event that takes place some days before that contest, which is called "RiminĂ­". If we win the contest this year we will have the right to wear a yellow shirt instead of a green one in the 2010 Porronada (like the Tour de France Maillot Groc or La Maglia Rosa of the Giro). So there's no prize, just honour and an special shirt on another Town's Festa Major (I don't know how to say that maybe Town's Week Party) event.

Thank you all, I hope to get so more comments and I will try to improve my english, writting here will be a good way to accomplish that :D

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