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Concept - Int'l Lg. Of Baseball


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Hi everyone.

I have a logo I started here and I am stumped with the direction I want to go with it. Somewhere between concept and execution, my design skills spilled out somewhere and I can't retrieve them. I need some help or advice. Not someone to redraw it, because I can do it in Illustrator. But if you look at it you can get a little idea of where I'm going with regards to shading and coloring. My team's colors are red, black and silver, so the gargoyle can be a few different shades of gray/silver and black.

I'm trying to put this concept together for my yahoo baseball team, Halifax Sentinels. After doing some research, my logo idea is a cat-like gargoyle somewhat crouching on two tall "letter i" pillars, with the tail swooping down, forming an H with the pillars. Getting to this point tok a while...I originally wanted to just use a lighthouse painted alternately in red and white, like a barber pole. This is a famous lighthouse on the outskirts of Halifax Harbor, the first building sailors would see at the point of entry.

But I wanted something a little more dynamic. After google-searching, I saw that "sentinel" seemed synonymous with "gargoyle". I suppose because a gargoyle stands guard, or sentinel, over a building.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. I know a lot of you are very busy with the NEHL projects. If I could draw, I'd be more involved, but I think the extent of my illustrative skills lies somewhere between my Bobcat for umlegend (remember him?) and the Brooklin Chiefs in the WIN/DAV challenge. So thanks in advance.


Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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I would work on smoothing it out, it looks kinda of ridgid. Also, I would definetely increase the width of the lines by alot.

I like the idea.

Sorry, I don't know much about what Gargoyles or Sentinels look like so I can't help you beyond that. Hope I helped a little bit.


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ok, thanks intheend

I definitely will thicken the lines. I'm also going to fix the back so it's more of a continuous line and have the wings shoot out from there, intstead of begin interrupted like it is now. I will check some other posters' logos (like the Ice Cats) to get an idea for shading...since it's a gargoyle I don't have to worry about rendering fur. But it can be streamlined a little more too.

I'll probably work on uniforms and hat first, because the logo will only be a small patch on the jerseys too.

I'll hope this bumps and I get a few more comments too.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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I dunno if this would work on a hat or jersey...I think it's too tall, maybe if you put the sentinel thingie in front of the H or something like that.

Also, some more refined shading would make the sentinel look more imposing.

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ok, I hear you, and thanks

the shading is very weak right now, it's just a starting off point

This logo would be a patch on the main jerseys and the logo on the fton of the alts. The hat is just going to be a simple "H"...i don't like hat logos that are too detailed (like most minor league teams).

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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Do you have a cleaned-up version yet? The one you have posted still needs some smoothing.

You might also want to get rid of the other wing, or at least make it darker and have it stick out less... the way the gargoyle is positioned, you really wouldn't see the other wing.

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