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Blue-Jay Logo.


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Another thing I'd add, and I've noticed you do this a lot, is DONT leave the eyes till last!

Personally whether it's a logo or a portrait, I do watercolours and caricatures for fun, one of the first things I'll focus on are the eyes. Humans are programmed to identify faces by looking for the eyes, so if you get the eyes right you can get away with a few inaccuracies elsewhere and for the most part people wont notice, but screw up the eyes and what, or who you are drawing is for want of a better term screwed. You can also use the eyes as a unit of measurement when working out the proportions for the rest of the head, so that's another good reason for starting there. In logo's they are often the best and easiest way to convey emotion as well, so make sure you work hard at mastering them, I know it's certainly a part of my work that needs to be developed.

So yeah keep working from source material and work on the eyes earlier in the process would be my advice, and you'll see big improvements.


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