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Spring Training Pics


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Apologies in advance if I posted these in the wrong place. Here are some pics from yesterday's Tigers - Phillies game at Bright House Field in Clearwater...

Ryan Howard.


I found this both amusing and symbolic...


They were playing two minor league games as well. Note the lack of spectators.


I'm having some upload issues with Flickr right now. Once I get it figured out I'll post some more if anyone's interested.




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Was this one of the games that drew >10,000 fans?

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Were those minor-league games the "B" games?

Fun story -

Jamie Moyer is in a battle for the 5th spot in the roation against young Kyle Kendrick. Kyle Kendrick has basically become Roy Halladay's "apprentice", and has had a great camp. It is thought that the team still wants Moyer to open the season in the rotation, because of his high salary.

Moyer has been pitching the "B" games, presumably so that he could have good enough stats to support a starting job. Well, the Blue Jays sent their "A" lineup to the last "B" game, and they lit Moyer's ass up. He said he was shocked to see 7 regulars in the lineup, and not a bunch of guys with numbers in the '80s.

The rumor is that Halladay made a phone call, and asked that the Jays send their A team to beat up Moyer, so that it would help Kendrick win the job. I kind of hope it's true, because it's brilliant.

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Well if that is true about Halladay, it shows his true colors and what a real *** he is. If it is true, Philly just traded for a HUGE cancer in the locker room and they'll have issues with this ***. Like I said, if it's true, then he's about the same type of *** that Kevin Brown, Randy Johnson, and Roger Clemens were. Just read Joe Torre's book and find out what kind of true character those "guys" were. Again, if this is true, then Mr. Halladay better remember that the way you treat people comes back and can bite you in the butt big-time. I hope that the story that BBTV said about him calling the Jays to send vets to beat up Moyer is false, otherwise he just alienated himself in the clubhouse and will kill the Phillies chances to win.



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Well if that is true about Halladay, it shows his true colors and what a real *** he is. If it is true, Philly just traded for a HUGE cancer in the locker room and they'll have issues with this ***. Like I said, if it's true, then he's about the same type of *** that Kevin Brown, Randy Johnson, and Roger Clemens were. Just read Joe Torre's book and find out what kind of true character those "guys" were. Again, if this is true, then Mr. Halladay better remember that the way you treat people comes back and can bite you in the butt big-time. I hope that the story that BBTV said about him calling the Jays to send vets to beat up Moyer is false, otherwise he just alienated himself in the clubhouse and will kill the Phillies chances to win.

I'm not sure you could be more wrong if you said 1+1=5.

If this is true, then he's helping the team win, because Jamie Moyer can't pitch anymore, and is only being given a shot because the team signed him to a ridiculous contract. Not that Kyle Kendrick is Cy Young, but I guarantee you that every single player wants Moyer to lose this competition, because having him in the rotation is a complete waste. It's all just a rumor though, but it makes sense. If true, I applaud him.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Were those minor-league games the "B" games?

I think they were Single A games maybe? We went over and watched a little and up close the players looked really young. It was fun. There was no charge to sit in the stands and you literally walked right through players and coaches to get to the one small set of bleachers. It was like being at a softball game or something.




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