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A little help... Tigers concept


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My original idea was to make a tiger head fit some sort of geometric shape. But I'm having trouble getting it to a 'finished' state. Can somebody help me with some drawing advice?

1) Is it a problem that the stripes are so asymmetric?

2) The eyes need something, what?



<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/sZZjoezq3JCSIonfEwCYxA?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_7hl3zNBti_I/S-p0rYK6kGI/AAAAAAAAAKo/DHNPYRLjVh0/s800/Tigerface.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/untvar/WorkInProgress?feat=embedwebsite">Work In Progress</a></td></tr></table>

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Okay, you're working from a reference so that's a good start, but look at the reference you have and look at your graphic and you'll see some issues.

First off where did the yellow come from? It's to close to the orange to be an effective secondary colour for a sports logo, you want something thats gonna create a bit of contrast and excitement in the piece. The outer fur of the face should be lighter than the face itself. I'd reduce the number of small teeth in the lower jaw and make them slightly bigger they're just gonna disappear when you make the logo any smaller (and you'll need to for certain uses). I'd look at the line under the teeth right now its too thin, so has the sam issue as the teeth, I'd also address the one round the muzzle which looks like it's been sketched while the all the other lines have been smoothly drawn.

There are other things I'd look at too but I'd start with those and see how you get on.

Keep at it though it's not a bad start.


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This is a pretty good start. Just like 9erssteve said, get rid of that yellowish color. Replace it with white. It's accurate and would really make the logo pop. I know tigers need stripes and you're doing pretty good there. What about a little indication of some shadows to create some depth? You can't really see shadows in the reference photo but you should be able to imagine where they're at.

Keep working. This has a lot of potential. I know you can do it.


' class="bbc_url">@


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1. Changed yellow fur to white.

2. Made bottom 'lip' thicker.

3. Softened the lines around the muzzle.

4. Re-did the eye area.


Which eye treatment is better, left pic or right?

PS. I can't make the outer fur lighter, it would introduce a 5th color to the logo... which is too many.

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