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Penn State goes after Buna, Texas HS


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That being said, can't they use it as long as they are not making money off of it? If the football team has it on their helmets but it is not sold on a shirt to students, isn't that ok? In my son's T-Ball league, all teams wore Tampa Bay Rays caps (he thought the TB was for T-Ball).

Well for starters they are benefiting from the logo (saving on cost of getting one made etc), even if not making money from it in a traditional sense. Secondly, their uniform supplier definitely is making money off it, so that would be a concern too.

It would make an awful lot of sense for the bigger unis/colleges to have standardised licensing setups that allowed them to easily authorise at low/no cost the use of their logos by small schools. But clearly that's not the case for most.

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I'm not sure that's correct, either. Making money off a stolen logo just compounds the problem, but I think that the owner must exercise control, whether the thief is making a profit or not. Perhaps one of our legally-trained colleagues can assist.

If anyone here is using unlicensed software, or has ever downloaded an MP3 from anywhere other than iTunes or the like has "stolen someone else's property." When you first started, did you use or try to copy or slightly modify a professionally designed logo for a Fantasy team? You stole. Bootlegged a movie off of Limewire. Yep, stole. The venue may be more public, but it doesn't change the fact.

In most of the cases you mention, you're correct. But what's your point? Many of us who criticize high schools for stealing logos somehow manage to refrain from bootlegging movies and music.

My point is ALMOST everyone (maybe there's a bastion of truth and valor here) has "stolen" to some extent. The second half of my point would be that they are learning more about "stealing" from LimeWire than they are a sticker on the side of a helmet.

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My point is ALMOST everyone (maybe there's a bastion of truth and valor here) has "stolen" to some extent. The second half of my point would be that they are learning more about "stealing" from LimeWire than they are a sticker on the side of a helmet.

Stealing is bad. Period. And I teach my children that.

We good now? ;)

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