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Duluth Seagulls


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When I visited Duluth, Minnesota a few years ago, one of the things I noticed was the abundance of seagulls along Lake Superior. In a world of very generic bird logos, I thought that it would be really neat to see a seagull. So that would be where the name comes from. I think Duluth is perhaps big enough to host some type of indoor football team, so that's what this concept will be for (and yes I will do uniforms!). Possibly an expansion team in the IFL. I've been working on a bunch of different seagull logos for a long time, but I just couldn't get anything I really liked. Then I came upon this picture, which I really love and thought it would be fantastic for a logo. So I drew up the primary based off that. I knew that I wanted to include orange and maybe black, but I eventually settle on a dark gray/charcoal color which I think is an underused combo when paired with orange. My immediate thought for a secondary was a simple winged D. Nothing too crazy. I wanted it to be easily recognizable. The only question I have with this is if it would make a good helmet logo? Or would the bird be a better choice? The tertiary is a crest of sorts, a football with seagull wings coming from behind. Do you guys think it's a little too much to have to separate "winged" logos? I'm also a little iffy on the font, but with my computer I don't have a lot of choices. It's just a standard one that comes in Paint. I'm fairly happy with this concept, but I would love to hear any criticism! I am also going to start on uniforms later tonight.







Please let your voice be heard. :D


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Thanks guys! I'll post the uniforms sometime tomorrow.

Just a quick bump to see if I can get some more input. And Bmac I'm also a little iffy about that part of the body too. Does anybody have some advice on what do do with that?


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I'll be honest: it's extremely difficult to distinguish which-part-of-the-body-is-which in the primary; the majority of this issue is caused by the strong contrast between your charcoal and white colors. I would first recommend to outline your shape of the bird, maybe throw in some shadowing if necessary but mainly stick to producing a reconisable figure. I suppose you could add some other minor shadows with a beige-ish color, but it could clutter your logo (especially when most of the products of paint becaome pixelated).

The D wing is real nice, simple and iconic. I do think, however, that you could tweak the feathers a bit: possibly make each of the feathers out of the same shape or make the feathers all one figure. Nonetheless, still a nice secondary.

Dump the tertiary, it isn't nearly as strong as the other two logos, and weakens the set.

Still some great work. Excellent for Paint.

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I'll be honest: it's extremely difficult to distinguish which-part-of-the-body-is-which in the primary; the majority of this issue is caused by the strong contrast between your charcoal and white colors. I would first recommend to outline your shape of the bird, maybe throw in some shadowing if necessary but mainly stick to producing a reconisable figure. I suppose you could add some other minor shadows with a beige-ish color, but it could clutter your logo (especially when most of the products of paint becaome pixelated).

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying about outlining the shape of the bird? It already has one outline, but do you think I should add another? And I will also toy around with adding another color in there and maybe go with Punch9's advice and extend the legs a bit.

Meanwhile, I've finished the uniforms. I think the bird logo was the best choice for the helmet, which has no stripes. I'd like this helmet (if it were in real life of course) to have a sort of matte gray finish to it. For the jersys, at first I had just some simple sleeve stripes, but I decided this team would probably be better suited in more modern uniforms. Nothing too crazy here, just a simple modern design. The home jersey is charcoal, while the road is monochrome white. And of course the orange alternate. I decided to go with just one set of pants here. I don't think it's necessary for any more.


I'd still like some criticism on the logos, but please comment on the unis as well!


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I'll be honest: it's extremely difficult to distinguish which-part-of-the-body-is-which in the primary; the majority of this issue is caused by the strong contrast between your charcoal and white colors. I would first recommend to outline your shape of the bird, maybe throw in some shadowing if necessary but mainly stick to producing a reconisable figure. I suppose you could add some other minor shadows with a beige-ish color, but it could clutter your logo (especially when most of the products of paint becaome pixelated).

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying about outlining the shape of the bird? It already has one outline, but do you think I should add another? And I will also toy around with adding another color in there and maybe go with Punch9's advice and extend the legs a bit.

Sorry about that. I mean all in one color, like have the orange outline become the charcoal outline and if you need to, throw an orange outline around that. Get it?

By the way, love the unis. Really dig those.

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I'll be honest: it's extremely difficult to distinguish which-part-of-the-body-is-which in the primary; the majority of this issue is caused by the strong contrast between your charcoal and white colors. I would first recommend to outline your shape of the bird, maybe throw in some shadowing if necessary but mainly stick to producing a reconisable figure. I suppose you could add some other minor shadows with a beige-ish color, but it could clutter your logo (especially when most of the products of paint becaome pixelated).

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying about outlining the shape of the bird? It already has one outline, but do you think I should add another? And I will also toy around with adding another color in there and maybe go with Punch9's advice and extend the legs a bit.

Sorry about that. I mean all in one color, like have the orange outline become the charcoal outline and if you need to, throw an orange outline around that. Get it?

By the way, love the unis. Really dig those.

Okay that's what I was thinking too. I think it should work very well.

And I'm glad you like the uniforms!


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On the uniforms, I'd put "Duluth" on the front of the uniforms instead of the back

The DULUTH you see on the back is in place of the NOB, I just didn't use an actual name. And I think I'd like to keep the front of the jersey blank so it doesn't look too cluttered.

Also I'm done with an updated primary logo, but I'll just wait and see if there's any more suggestions before I post it.


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