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The People's Denver Broncos Concept!


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I actually just made a Broncos concept a few weeks ago that was recently posted on uniwatchblog.com. I saw those alleged Nike concepts and liked the idea of a white helmet, so I designed a concept around the idea of a white helmet. I originally thought about putting the old D logo on a white helmet, but instead ended up putting the old player riding the bronco alternate logo on the helmet. I changed the color scheme of the logo to match the blue and orange of the uni. Below are links to the concept...







Let me know what you guys think!


EDIT: I just realized that robbman21 was soliciting ideas for a design he is planning to make. Sorry buddy, I wasn't trying to steal your design thunder. Maybe there are elements from my concept that you may like for your design?

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As far as the logo, I'd like to see them either keep the current logo or go with an updated D logo. The old D logo looks really out of date and it would be a huge downgrade just to go back to that logo without updating it.

Old D logo revamped for sure. Make the Bronco inside more stylized (like orange mane etc.) but in the same general position as in the old logo. Definite orange jersey and would like to see a return to the royal blue, but more intense and less pastelly or washed out as the last one. Don't mind the current number font they have and would like to see blue pants with the orange home jersey's as standard with an option for colored pants on the road.

Revamped D logo would be great.


I've always wondered about this. What is the stuff by its nose?

It kind of looks like it's sneezing or blowing it's nose.



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