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Spartan Logo


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Composition wise it's not a bad start, and as an illustration it's pretty good, but technically it's not a sports logo that could be used by the NFL or another pro sport or a college team as it uses to many colours and contains textures etc, and there isn't really an identifiable colour scheme that you could use across the rest of a uni or other merchandise.

To make this really successful as a sports logo you'll need to decide on a colour scheme first. Then find a way to simplify down the composition you have so you can recreate the light and shade using only the colours you've chosen, 3 should be enough, and avoid gradients at all costs. Remember this logo would have to be stitched onto caps shirts etc and you cant produce gradients with stitching.

Layout wise it's a good start, but now you need to create a logo from what you've got. Cant wait to see this progress.


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I was gonna make the same suggestions about smoothing out the colors and lines to make it more viable as a sports logo, but I got beat to it.

As for the second version...the red feels way too bright, and I think the swords really clash with the rest of the logo. In general, I think more could be done if the swords were scrapped altogether and the shield made a little more defining.


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