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When You Get It Right On the First Try.


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Just got approval from a client on a sign concept for a hunting lodge, and her reply email said:

"That was EXACTLY what I had in mind! Great job...let's go with it!

All she gave me was the name of the lodge, some of the elements she wanted to see on there, and she stressed that it should have a "rustic" feel to it, and exactly what I presented her with today is the first thing that came to my mind when I sat down at the computer to flesh it out. So this got me to thinking: How great do you guys feel when you nail a concept for a client on the first try?? I know that 90% of the bigger projects that I do go through tweak after tweak after revision before they're approved, expecially one that involves more than just text on a background. So anyone share this with me? What are some of your experiences??


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Not me, but the Florida Marlins got it right the first time.

I'm thinking you missed his point. Do you know that the logo they went with was the artist's first rendition and first submission? Do you know that he or she didn't have to make any revisions to it and that their first try met the client's expectation?

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There are times where I know I "Hit out of the park" on the first try. Today that actually happened, but I also know it's a good idea to provide options. After coming up with 6 options, the first one I did was chosen.



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Just had this happen to me last week on a personal branding project. Most of the people I've worked with in the past have been people with no direction/ideas, but insisted on incessant tweaking-- which leads to a lot of frustration on the designer's end. "I dunno, you're the designer. Can't you come up with an idea of what I want?" "How about this? I chose the design for reasons x, y, and z." "I'm not a fan."

SUCH a good feeling. Congrats, by the way!

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