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Soccer Logo Critique


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Looks like a great start. The only major gripe I have right now is the hair. It almost looks like it has long, flowing hair, rather than short, coarse hair. Specifically, I think it's the curvature of the hair on the back of the head, as well as the distance between the "points". It almost looks like a small lions' mane to me. The only other thing that kind of bothers me is the line weight separating the teeth from the tongue and the lower right highlight. I'd thicken them up a bit to be a bit more consistent with the rest of the outlines.

Other than that, I think it looks pretty solid. Great start.

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Thanks a lot for the critique. You make valid points about the hair, it does appear long and flow-y which is inconsistent with the short, coarse hair that gorillas actually possess. I agree it's a lot more lion like.

The stroke around the teeth bother me too as they aren't consistent with the rest of the design. Any thoughts about the mouth area around the teeth?

This is great guidance for the reworking I'm going to do this week!

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It doesn't look very much like a soccer logo, more like a logo for an American sport, even the MLS logos are very toned down in comparison to other sports where imagery is used far more than symbolism as with soccer logos.

Not taking anything away from your work though, it's got some great drawing skills on show here.

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It doesn't look very much like a soccer logo, more like a logo for an American sport, even the MLS logos are very toned down in comparison to other sports where imagery is used far more than symbolism as with soccer logos.

Not taking anything away from your work though, it's got some great drawing skills on show here.

Valid statement, no offense taken of course. This logo is going to be used within a project for soccer, not for a team per se. With everyone keeping to the traditional soccer imagery, it's hard to stand out! The focal point of the logo is going to be the head of the gorilla, which is why I am trying to perfect it before I continue, but it will be within a traditional soccer image being a crest.

I really do appreciate the compliment as well!

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