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Conrad's NBA Court Template (2015 re-release!)


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Thanks man! Its worth the work to sort it all out! Excellent job!

EDIT: Having trouble downloading, it will only open in Safari not inkscape.. Usually you can download it and save it to your comp, but its not letting me off that site.


Someone be a World Champ, please!

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Good looking template, although I'm having trouble moving or even selecting the hardwood in Illustrator. Any help?

did u unlock the layer in the layer panel? also, are u using AI CS4 or higher?

chrisCLEMENT, i just downloaded the SVG via Chrome, and was able to open up the file in AI, and it seems to be okay. once Filefront opened the SVG in my browser, i just did a Save As and saved the SVG to my hard drive. let me know if u have further probs, and I'll just email u the file or somethin.

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Looks great. Minor nitpicks:

I think the wood can be a bit wider going across the court, they seem to be really narrow and I don't think you'd need that many planks to go across the court.

Same thing with the parquet flooring...if you look at this image:


I think you'd only need 10 squares across rather than 16. If you increase the width of the wood planks that should alleviate this issue anyway.

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  • 2 years later...

It always fails to download. I have tried every browser i could think of. Still nothing. Please fix.

"You play to win the game...Hello. You play to win the game." - Herman Edwards

"We talkin' bout practice?" - A.I.

"What’s that? Ah — playoffs? Don’t talk about — playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs? I just hope we can win a game! Another game." - Jim Mora

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