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Let's discuss NBA fan culture


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There's an arriviste vibe to the Miami Heat and Miami itself that's forever going to rub people the wrong way. The 2008 Celtics were as much an overnight sensation as the 2011 Heat, but got a free pass for being the glorious Boston Celtics. Moreover, the Greater Sports Narrative as infallibly dictated by the Ryan-Shaughnessy-Simmons holy trinity of Boston douchecanoes would have us believe that New Englanders are in some perpetual state of suffering because some people's ancestors were Puritans, some were Catholic, and everyone's soil is of poor and rocky quality, which conveniently serves as a metaphor for all sorts of fundamental adversity over which America's oldest and smartest triumphantly prevail forevermore, and so the success of said glorious Celtics is made to either signify petty relief from deep psychological pain and rocky-soil-tilling, or triumph over it, or both. Miami, though? Pfft, just a bunch of rich, swarthy jerks who get to hang out on the beach and have LeBron James dropped into their laps? What a bunch of jerks.

Bravo, Major General. Bravo. I especially liked "the Ryan-Shaughnessy-Simmons holy trinity of Boston douchecanoes." "Douchecanoes." Heh. And yeah, I had to look up arriviste. So did most everyone else, but they'll never admit it. B)

I had to look it up, too. But as for Bob Ryan, he is not that much of a homer, plus he is retiring after the London Games.

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Shaughnessy is the worst offender when it comes to New England mystic crap. I'm not going to check the Boston Globe's database to confirm it, but I'm sure he has used the phrase "till the rocky soil" no fewer than ten times.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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