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Lacrosse logo for my highschool


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Hello everyone. This is my first post on here so be gentle.... So this year my high school lacrosse team is changing everything up. I designed the helmet graphics that were ordering, and now they want me to make the new logo. I came up with this sketch and im just looking for any feedback you guys might have. Also, some help with how to color the logo. Our colors are red yellow and white and our mascot is the flames. Here is the link to the sketch: http://s1359.beta.photobucket.com/user/cbaum141/media/CCF01252013_00000_zpsc3b95961.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0 Thanks guys.

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First off, welcome to the boards and its nice to meet other HS laxers like myself. I think the sticks should be longer in this case. Also, I'm in the works of making shooter shirts for the HS club team I play for.

GrizzlyBlack Designs, UDC Firebird


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First off, welcome. :)

A flame is tricky to render as a logo. The ideal is ambisymmetry, meaning that it's nearly symmetrical. You do a decent job with that at the top of the logo. However, I think that cutting the negative space more deeply into the logo is going to give it a lot more motion and make it look more realistic. Right now, it kind of looks like a misshapen spork. Also, cutting off the bottom of the logo with a plain horizontal line makes the logo look less organic and also contributes a bit to the spork feel. I'd suggest either rounding off the bottom, or letting it taper and trail off into a flourish




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