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Tank Stumper 6/17/04


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I'm thinking Cardinals and Indians.

Though, after checking on stuff, I have found the actual answer. I won't post it though, cuz I looked it up.

STL, it was actually discussed during the Cards radio broadcast over the weekend because the Cards were playing at the site of the first interleague game - The Ballpark at Arlington (now Ameriquest Field) - the Rangers hosted the Giants.

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I'm thinking Cardinals and Indians.

Though, after checking on stuff, I have found the actual answer. I won't post it though, cuzĀ  I looked it up.

STL, it was actually discussed during the Cards radio broadcast over the weekend because the Cards were playing at the site of the first interleague game - The Ballpark at Arlington (now Ameriquest Field) - the Rangers hosted the Giants.

Ah, I watched the majority of the play as opposed to listen.

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Must have been thinking exhibition--I know TO & Montreal played an exhibition game before the regular season games began...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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