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Ivy League Concepts--- Yale up 12/19/13!


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These are actually pretty good, grant. Nothing outside of the box, kinda basic, but they're clean. My main complaint is that the picture is kinda small. If you were to make it bigger, that would help. nice work

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I think the Penn one was fine to begin with, but I understand where you're coming from. My only complaint is that some seem pretty busy, like Columbia. Overall, I like these! You don't see many Ivy League concepts here.


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I think the Penn one was fine to begin with, but I understand where you're coming from. My only complaint is that some seem pretty busy, like Columbia. Overall, I like these! You don't see many Ivy League concepts here.

Thanks! I will change the crowded ones once I get onto the unis. I am doing an Ivy League thread because I have just moved to Hanover, NH which is home of the BIG GREEN!!!!

These are actually pretty good, grant. Nothing outside of the box, kinda basic, but they're clean. My main complaint is that the picture is kinda small. If you were to make it bigger, that would help. nice work

Thanks! I'll work on the picture size.


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I like the idea, but I don't think you pull it off because you didn't do much more than attach standard logos. The Dartmouth versions are a downgrade from the actual helmets they use.

I'd like to see you try again because I like that you did the Ivy League.


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  • 2 months later...


Its back! First, I did Yale! I decided to go with a simple uniform but I think it turned out great! Hope you like!

He's Back! Yale, eh! The number font is way too simple! Take some time on your design! It looks like it took 5 minutes! Fill in the splotches on the pants! Also you didn't even make the logo background the same color as the helmet! A concept is more than the fill tool! Not bad! But needs lots of work! What's with the exclamation marks!

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