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Montgomerie Implicates Bonds


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IMO the argument about how much steroids help a hitter is irrelevant. Its about what you are trying to do not what you are actually doing. Of course in the end is right, the specifics of Bonds case should be dealt woth before anyine closes the book on him, but I am interested that so manner people are willing almost to turn a blind eye to the possibility of drug taking.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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You know what? I'm not turning a blind eye to this possibility anymore than ANYONE else on this board. You guys are grilling a player who hasn't even been proven that he's ever taken any -- and you know what? It never will be.

But what ever happened to the 6 or 7 NFL players who had been suspended, and had their names publicly released for taking HGH? They got about a weeks worth of media coverage and it was proven that they did it. Bonds hasn't been shown to have taken anything and he gets a year and a half worth of being grilled in the media? How's that fair for a guy who's not THAT big in a sport where it doesn't matter THAT much? Remember, Bonds would be a small to average sized football player. Bonds isn't a 270 lbs. lineman that runs a 4.6 40. Get off his back, professional athletes DO have work ethic and it IS possible to put on muscle in your 30's... especially over a span of a few years.


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its because bonds is an easy target for people and no matter what the truth is he is gonna get grilled simply because of who he is. after all, who here is grilling armando rios or marvin benard for possibly using steroids. and those two players are probably more likely guilty then bonds is. they also show that steriods dont always improve your performance also :D

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