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Our Underdog Didn't Make It In Time...


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Embarassingly our underdog contender has arrived for the Iron Crossover an hour late,thus he will have to sit and watch the action unfold from afar.As he enters late he can feel the finger-pointers and hear the whispers,and thus he is embarrassed and ashamed,for this was to be the event that the 'also-ran' stepped to the fore to champion the cause of the MS Paint user everywhere.But alas,today it was not to be.Crestfallen,he hangs his head and begins his slow,humiliating walk from the Iron arena.Then a voice yells out from the crowd...


The underdog turns around,reaches into his bag,and pulls out three uniform concepts the likes of which this crowd has not seen before.A single clap begins in the crowd,and another,and another,until finally he hears applause not for his concept,but for having the moxy to still show his face even though he knows he cant compete on this day.As he turns to leave he takes one quick glance back at his fellow competitors,none of which are applauding,but a few nod their heads in respect of our fallen underdog,knowing he lives on to face them in another challenge.....another day.



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if only you could have gotten in on time robb....

you would have had a legit chance. seriously :)

Thank you ICS.

Even if you would have said come-on in I would not have accepted it,as I knew when the deadline was and I simply didnt make it.My g/f bought me AI for an early b-day present and I spent all night fooling around with it and then tried to finish the concept using that,which just set an AI amatuer like myself further back,

thus forcing me to miss out.I got so far in my concept that I couldnt just scrap it,

so I finished it late and posted it here,what may well be my final MS Paint creation.


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i really like the striping on the home and away... not fan of the logo edit... but you didnt have much to work with... really nice it would have gotten a few votes for it if it was on time

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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I'm not a huge fan of that brownish grayish color, but that's not my main concern. I'm literally like, excited by that sleeve striping. Awesomely innovative and unique. If this had been entered, it would have been in my top three. I can't wait to see what you can do in Illustrator.




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