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Everything posted by Webhamster

  1. I could get on board with the Utah Screaming Eagles. Buying the Grizzlies IP is still my first choice.
  2. I saw a huge post of possible names and some of the ones I could get behind: Utah Grizzlies (by far my favourite) Utah Blizzard (but too close to an Avalanche I think) Salt Lake City Saints Salt Lake City Eagles (have to drop the "Golden" because of the Knights) Salt Lake City Olympics (I mean the Expos did it so why not?)
  3. Just buy out the Grizzlies name from the ECHL team and call it a day. Don't need to take the whole identity with them, just the name and build a whole new identity.
  4. Not to mention the francophone issue. They had a huge problem attracting marquee players to Quebec City because the press and the locals wanted francophones or players who would learn and speak french. They got unbearable towards english-speaking players who didn't try to learn or speak french. So that's how you got the Nords tanking so hard and always getting high draft picks that ended up creating the Colorado juggernaut. With a larger pool of international and American-born players the language issue looms large. Montreal is different but kinda the same. Montreal is a mostly bilingual city whereas QC is definitely not. The Montreal french press doesn't really like people who speak on behalf of the Habs unilingually, but if you at least make an effort in french you're pretty much okay and they'll tolerate you. The media market in Montreal is pretty much 50/50 French vs. English. Quebec has 17 radio stations and 15 of them are french. The only 2 english stations are CBC stations. They also have no english daily paper. French is king in QC which is why it's a very hard sell. Show me one non-francophone marquee player from the 80's or 90's who actually wanted to play in QC. I'll wait.
  5. And let's be honest, with the upcoming sale there is more of a chance of wholesale rebrand than at any point in the last 30 years. The new owners are going to want to put their mark on the team and maybe make big changes to the identity in the coming seasons. I wouldn't be surprised to see a whole new identity come with a new downtown arena around 2026 or 2027 (assuming the new owners don't mess up that opportunity like Melnyk did).
  6. It's funny because I remember the outrage around here when the Roman concept was unveiled around 1992. But, like anything, people warmed up to it. I also feel like the Sens should have really owned the gold laurel leaf motif from the early-00's alt sweater, but now it's Vegas' thing. For a Peace Tower logo I still really like the shoulder logo from that laurel leaf jersey. They should replace the S logo on the shoulders with a version of that. I also did like the =O= logo and I think it works for this team and the history of the original franchise. I'd love to see that as an alternate again.
  7. I agree, but it's still the best logo they've ever had which is probably why it gets so much (baffling) love. The Canucks need to blow it all up and start from scratch again. But since that logo is so (unbelievably) beloved I don't see them ever being able to escape it.
  8. I have zero problems with the site and my iPad. I'm using Chrome for iOS to view it and not a single issue. I think you've got something else going on there. But it's not the site's fault I'm pretty sure of that.
  9. Wait, when did Mr. Orr play for the Blackhawks? In 1976-77 and again in 1978-79 for a total of 26 games. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Orr
  10. I'm just the right age to have started following hockey not too long after Sittler moved to the Flyers and that's the still main image I have of him in my head. So, to me, Sittler in a Leafs uni looks strange. Yeah, I know. Sounds weird.
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