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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. The Islanders have dropped their doofy Brooklyn goal horn, and have announced they're going back to the one they used in Uniondale.
  2. Sportsmockery? Why they're every bit as unassailable as a Raiders fan!
  3. "Oh, man, flying those guys around with us costs our $1.3bn sports franchise up to $200k! We'll never make a profit like this!" I wonder if Lou dry-humped a Ouija board he bought at Kensington Market and became possessed by Harold Ballard. Everything about the Leafs' "Oh, they're finally being run by someone with a brain now" movement is going to get completely undermined by Lamoriello, and it is going to be a perverse delight. Has he killed the Leafs' alternate uniforms or fired Babcock and put himself behind the bench yet?
  4. Look, if the NHL's going to keep turning a blind eye to drug abuse, at least limit cocaine to the forwards and restrict defensemen to painkillers only, so I can get some faster skating and more scoring out of this Faustian bargain.
  5. Something I struggled with was the idea that the bag was planted by a "good Samaritan" blowing the whistle on tampering going on back at the station. Did this strike anyone else as a leap? Because it was presented here in town as the obvious conclusion at first. My first reaction was that it was meant to intimidate the family, that we know who you are and we know where you live and we got to your evidence and there's no telling how far our tentacles reach. Wouldn't someone with good intentions just tell the family something's up instead of staging something that looks menacing? Then it turned out it was just the mom being crazy.It was presented as the lead theory because the attorney representing the alleged victim went out of his way during that Wednesday presser to state that it was their belief the bag was planted by a Good Samaritan. I don't know what circles you heard or read "obviously, it was a Good Samaritan" in and nothing else, but what I heard and read certainly did not dismiss the idea of it as intimidation. Also, CS85: I can say with a minimum of 90% certainty that Dan Bernstein is not making any hiring decisions at The Score. "Get me a woman in the update booth so I can save some face after I went all boobs-crazy" is not how that hire was made.
  6. Everyone's praising Sedita for his mad dad dressing-down this morning, but getting angry after the fact doesn't excuse his office leaking like a cheap kiddie pool for nearly two months. He's managed this case poorly, too; he just comes out looking good by comparison after Thursday's antics.
  7. Well, back when the Hawks were on The Score, they were a) buying airtime and eating ass. As for the rest, I've listened to The Score on my drives to and from work for the past week after not listening with any regularity for nine years-ish, and I'm not hearing what you all are saying. However, you all listen far more than I do, and therefore you would be far better qualified to notice patterns in opinion and analysis, so I'll defer. EDIT: I forgot that b + closed parenthesis = cool sunglasses smilie, but I like the end result and stand by it. SECOND EDIT/RESPONSE: Possibility =/= likelihood. Putting all your chips on "this rape allegation was fabricated" is like dropping a stack on a single number in roulette. Is it possible you're right? Yes. Is it likely you are?
  8. I don't think so. She dug her heels in on this weeks ago and has seemed perfectly happy to spar with twitter idiots. I don't know what her official job requirements are beyond being an update anchor, but I suspect that she is not being harassed within the capacity of her job with CBS and that her twitter-fighting is something that she's doing on her own time.The Score has really embarrassed themselves across the board with their coverage of this story. It's been clear for years that they don't have the same respect for the Blackhawks that they have for the Bears, White Sox, Bulls, and now that they're on WBBM and under new management, the Cubs. If that's the tack they want to take with the Blackhawks, that's fine, that's their call, but it's been hard not to put their coverage in the context of their longstanding belief that the Blackhawks need to be kept at the bottom of the pecking order. I didn't mean weeks ago; I meant well before this case. As for the rest of your bellyaching about a radio station not paying due respect to your team: #pleaselikemysport
  9. I get what she's doing, in that female media members, especially those in sports, get walloped with crap like this even when they aren't covering a star athlete rape case. She probably got sick at some point of absorbing the blows like everyone else and decided to start swinging. But I also get that when her RTs are just an unrelenting minute-by-minute trash parade, it does more to inoculate the reader than anything. "We get it, Julie, people are , please stop constantly reminding us." If the alleged victim was assaulted (and now, we're guaranteed we'll never know), imagine what it's like to have your own mother take the already-slim hope of getting legal justice and shoot it right to hell. Oh, and your lawyer name-drops you nationwide and very publicly can't find his own ass with two hands. Good times all around.
  10. Yeah, I'd get skittish, too, if my friend's name was getting plastered all over town as The Whore of Buffalo, and the guy who was supposed to be looking out for her interests accidentally dropped her name twice on television in 32 hours.
  11. Again, admiral was right in his analysis of Buffalo. Jesus Christ, Lionel Hutz would look down on this operation. Just awful.
  12. There is a potential gap here, in that the evidence was transferred from local PD in Hamburg to the Erie County Sheriff. So it's possible that the bag was compromised in Hamburg, its contents resealed, and County has had it in that packaging for all its time. Not that any of this matters now; Kane's walking without indictment on this, and everything else is just a matter of how ugly we care to find out it all gets.
  13. I don't think even the skeeziest of attorneys would risk destroying a 30-year career on a press conference touting faked evidence that could easily be disproven by police. Then again, since we're now entrenched in Julius Fucik territory with this, what the hell do I know?
  14. The closest to a plausible explanation I can fathom: Original bag was opened and discarded in Hamburg; the kit got re-sealed in a new bag b/c of shoddy evidence handling, got shipped off to County then, screw it, I dunno, aliens?
  15. They don't have to. This has not hurt their bottom line one penny. Despite the disastrous PR, people are still begging to hand money to them and will continue to do so until the team is really bad. UPDATE: Erie County Central Police Services says they have the rape kit, sealed, in its original packaging. What. In. The. Hell.
  16. Yep, for a DA who has bigger political ambitions, a track record of not prosecuting on any case that isn't cut-and-dry, and the potential of it all combining in the highest-profile case of his career, this is his escape hatch. "Evidence compromised jury won't convict kthxbai."
  17. Kane's attorney says the evidence only would have been tampered with by someone who found the results unfavorable. These words you are saying, I do not think they mean what you think they mean.
  18. Kane's accuser's lawyer says the evidence bag containing the rape kit was anonymously delivered to her mother's house, ripped open. This is John Grisham . This is not supposed to occur in real life. Also, the attorney says he has never made a civil settlement and has no intention of doing so in this case, despite it being reported twice in The Buffalo News and once in the Chicago Tribune, so the next time a "source" drips out a targeted point of information to a media outlet, consider where it might be coming from and how true it might actually be. This all ends when the gunshy DA decides he's not seeking charges anyway, though. The probable best outcome here is the feds investigating his office and the Buffalo PD, as Patrick collects his $10.5 a year to the adoring cheers.
  19. Put up your mun, grab your murse, and go mlay in mraffic.
  20. Everyone in Brooklyn last night was busy crafting thinkpieces on Ryan Adams' 1989.
  21. Hey, someone's been listening to admiral's complaints about not being able to see any thigh at hockey games!
  22. Especially when that "fun-loving" "party animal" "choked a woman" on a "weekend-long campus bender".
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