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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. I'm trying to be optimistic about something, goddammit.
  2. Yeah, Bobby Hull as team mascot is a sad and honestly shameful display. You have the right idea; just let him pickle himself in a box every night instead of constantly showing him off to an audience that never saw him skate a shift in a Hawks sweater, and 90% of which has no idea what a bad person he is/was. (There's probably another 5% willing to excuse a drunken, wife-beating Nazi sympathizer, because woo sports.) Jay Zawaski brought this up on his podcast this week, and he also had a solution: if you need a human mascot, make it Denis Savard. He's not a drunken prick, and people remember him playing. Every story I've heard about Stan Mikita is a good story. Someone like him meeting a slow, withering end like this makes me sad.
  3. I think it's more of a case of Nolan's show being 1/2 hour of programming per week with a few hundred thousand dollars invested in talent, and the two dumbass shoutfests comprising 17-1/2 hours of programming per week with over 10 million dollars invested in talent.
  4. You've got three people at that network trying to be respected, though. There's Katie Nolan, who gets as close to a "prestige" show as FS1 has by using words longer than two syllables once a week for 20,000 viewers. (The other nights of the week in her timeslot: TMZ Sports!) And there's Jay and Dan, who probably spend every night after their show poring over their contracts for the mystical, magical out clause. Everyone else is either one of the most fetid take artists who gets millions dumped on them to bring in fewer viewers nationwide than I get listeners in a single market, or just a workaday game-caller or scrub along for the ride and removed from the "advancing the conversation" crapfest.
  5. Those aren't reporters. Those are access conduits through which the broadcast rights fees also flow. To expect them to be any more than shills for their assigned product is to be perpetually left wanting.
  6. I agree with you that the tacky, overdone Brandiosity that seems to be overtaking Minor League Baseball is, on the whole, a loss for good design and branding. Yet there are some recent examples in the affiliated minors that show a competent, unique identity that eschews the kitchen sink approach can still occur in the morass of forced wackiness. I am not 100% opposed to minor league clubs copying the parent's identity, so long as some character unique to the farm team is implemented. I think the South Bend Cubs did this very well. Going to hockey, because I'm much more familiar with its lower tiers, the old Iowa Stars of the AHL tweaked a major-league identity to the point where they were dressing better than their parent club; the current Iowa Wild are a shining example of a team that couldn't be bothered to do anything but change the location name on the logos. And slapping the Rockford IceHogs' cartoon pig on the front of a Chicago Blackhawks jersey is incongruous as all get-out.
  7. The Lansing Lugnuts do not need to dress like the Toronto Blue Jays. The Burlington Bees do not need to ditch yellow for red to mimic the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. The Chicago Wolves do not need to dress like the St. Louis Blues. The Kane County Cougars sure as hell do not need to dress like the Arizona Diamondbacks. You would do well to refrain from speaking in absolutes on your sartorial preferences.
  8. Skip Bayless tried to sell a book by claiming Troy Aikman was a closeted homosexual. This is who Skip Bayless is and who he always has been.
  9. So if the Blues put a franchise in Kansas City, that means The Vegas Whatevers will have to affiliate with the Wolves, right? Hey, it worked out great for the Thrashers!
  10. NHL using the Olympics as a wedge issue to divide players among themselves and create a foundation to justify the next lockout, two days after Bill Daly, speaking at a Hockey Hall of Fame induction weekend event, said fans care about their teams, not about superstar players. Okay, now it feels like the NHL season is underway!
  11. Doesn't it feel like purple/yellow/green is a little played out for New Orleans? Speaking from experience, I love the Chicago flag as a design element for the Fire and Red Stars, but then the Bulls slapped it on every available space and the Hawks crammed it into their Stadium Series jerseys and, woof, enough.
  12. I'm starting a petition to rename the team the New Orleans Baby Arms.
  13. And a "Baby Cake" isn't an actual thing, right? Aren't they King Cakes?
  14. @the admiral Holy f https://twitter.com/NEWSTALK1010/status/779422416443498496?s=09
  15. I get that there isn't much time to make the change, but I don't know how well that setup is going to work. Razor's work is so polished as a color guy that I don't see him being all that great over all when it comes to doing the nuts-and-bolts PbP. Ludwig's never struck me as anything special during the intermissions, either.
  16. Dave Strader, known primarilty as one of the voices you're glad to hear instead of Doc Emrick when it's playoff time on NBCSN, is undergoing treatment for a rare and aggressive form of bile duct cancer. Hopefully he's back to call Stars games with Daryl Reaugh sooner than later.
  17. Don't put Peter Thiel's name in the same sentence as "bigger beef," or you'll end up on the list, too.
  18. Yeah, the billionaire class was just handed a blueprint of how to shut down any media organization critical of them, but Gawker was Mean And Bad Sometimes, so no harm, no foul.
  19. And Gawker gets shut down next week, though its sister sites live on. Peter Thiel wins.
  20. Nine teams in Wisconsin, and the Woodchucks don't have the sense to go back to calling themselves "Wausau." I wonder where their expansion partner will be, or if they just get a relocation. Rockford seems doomed already.
  21. I was at a Blackhawks blog charity event a couple years ago, and one of the booby prizes for the raffle was a copy of "Blood Feud." I won it, promptly took it to the men's room, stuck it in a urinal, and advised everyone of its location.
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