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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. OJ's guilty as hell (and somehow became a worse person after killing two people!), but if I was on that jury hearing about all the various clown cars that evidence passed through, I'd be hard-pressed not to acquit. The system offered reasonable doubt in spades. Really, if you haven't watched it, make a point to. It offers more detail on the proceedings, and more context for them, than I could have fathomed.
  2. God, I wish somebody had told me this was an option, like, 15 years ago.
  3. Savvy businessman. That face alone will drive me to drink. Also, I realize the business model on Cowherd's end isn't about the ratings, but his show averaged 52,000 viewers nationwide last week. 19,000 in the Adults 18-49 demo. That's dang close to "nobody's watching" territory. I wish the same success upon his and Whitlock's joint venture.
  4. Looks like Strombo will have more time on weekends for choking parties with Jian Ghomeshi: He's gone from HNiC, and Ron McLean is back to anchor the faltering enterprise. Of course, you could put Ernie Johnson in charge there, and it wouldn't matter as long as Healy, Cox, and Stock are still farting over the vast majority of your airtime.
  5. Didn't the Caps attempt a couple of preseason games in Baltimore, then say "Yeah, we can't afford to have our players die in September for thr sake of regional outreach"?
  6. Simmons is getting paid more than seven million dollars a year to oversee that type of quality content. The approximate expected ROI is me stuffing my genitals in a Salad Shooter.
  7. He had a plan in motion to get the money back, but it Staaled out.
  8. And now SinBin.vegas is reporting the recommendation has been made. Vegas will get franchise 31 in 2017-18, Québec will be told to eat a bag of, how do yoy say, le dicks, and the league will continue to hope and pray that an arena gets built in Seattle somehow while presumably taking over Carolina and attempting to bleed out local officials.
  9. This past year has convinced me Florida's stable for the forseeable future. Broward County rolled over for more handouts, the on-ice product has improved greatly and seems to be built for sustainability, and even though Vinnie Viola is a GODDAMN COCAINE MONSTER, he seems dedicated to the market and making a successful team, appears to have actual money, and the Feds don't seem to have any real interest in regulating or tamping down the HFT racket he runs. As for Québec City, well, looks like they learned "never build on spec" the hard way. They're getting boned for sure, but maybe don't dedicate $450 million to an NHL-caliber arena when you know full well the league views you as the Market of Last Resort/Frenchipeg.
  10. Okay, let's think about everything that's gone on in the past four years, and everything it's presumably been set up for. Now, let's transcend stupid. https://twitter.com/MurphysLaw74/status/739933875489640448?s=09
  11. *breaks open office window so he can blast the ever-loving out of "Brass Bonanza" onto the street below* http://www.clickondetroit.com/business/storm-swirls-around-karmanos-family-over-105-million-dispute-involving-carolina-hurricanes-loans
  12. Because the AHL would cease to be without an inept club in Springfield drawing flies, the Portland Pirates will be moving in next season.
  13. They'll have to play 76 games, though. Should have moved to Fresno instead.
  14. This is exactly why it happened. The Special Snowflakes told the AHL, "Give us a shorter schedule, or we'll go make our own league! With blackjack! And hookers!" and the league rolled over for them.
  15. Much like the Burlington Bees, which is also Studio Simon's work, I believe.
  16. Given the name, my money's on the former. As for the sleeve patch, it could be the new mascot they announced, Tito Taco.
  17. I like the Loons package a lot, especially the fisherman and the interlocking "GL". The old one was bad (Chicago for a font on a professional sports team?), but Brandiose really showed good work here in doing a proper cleanup instead of trashing it and going xxxx-treme. And, as pointed out by the mothership, the old logo package had a swinging loon, too. So while that may be a Brandiose hallmark/crutch, at least there's precedent on this one.
  18. Rockford: Formerly known as "The Screw Capital of the World." Sometimes, you don't even need a punchline.
  19. God, it's even dumber than I thought. Now, if I'm the owner of the Wolves, Bears, or another of the more independently-minded teams, I'm watching Dave Andrews and his fellow buffoons cower in fear at the thought of losing their 1:1 setup, and I'm really turning the screws when it's time to get something I want. Hey, Davey Boy, what say we talk about loosening up this circuit's veteran rules? Cause, you know... *casually reaches in pocket and drops old IHL puck on table*
  20. Brett Yormark wants you to know that, actually, the layout at Barclays is just fine and doesn't need to change, because you can just watch the game on the scoreboard or your phone after laying out $85 for a ticket. http://www.lighthousehockey.com/2016/2/3/9885146/islanders-brett-yormark-no-changes-barclays-center-seats-all-star-game
  21. Hey, here's a little something retro! The Coyotes have announced their arena management deal is being transferred from Comcast Spectacor to AEG, because apparently getting owned by the Kings 5 or 6 times a year just wasn't enough.
  22. I could put up a petition demanding that my ballsack hairs be curated like bonsai and get 10,000 signatures on it.
  23. The WNBA would not have survived 20 years without the NBA's subsidy, but it's worth noting that the league is doing better financially and has more independent ownership than ever. It would be interesting, though, to see how the ABL would have fared had the WNBA not stepped in to crush it after its first season. It probably still wouldn't be around today, though. I think a women's league starting in the 2010s has more of an opportunity to survive than one starting 15 or 20 years ago. There are now mistakes of the past to learn from, and more media outlets than ever to provide coverage. It'll never be more than a niche audience, but if that audience is devoted and willing to pay, that's all you need nowadays. If you're looking for an example, look at the National Women's Soccer League, which has risen from the ashes of the two failures before it, and is riding rising interest in both soccer in general and women's soccer to become (at least from the outside) far more stable and sustainable than either of its predecessors. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to image search Hilary Knight from the ESPN Body Issue, because jayyyyyyyyy-zus.
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