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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. Original estimates for the Malcolm X land sale were $14-16 million. The Hawks bought it for $11.7 million, by which I mean $8.7 million, because $3 million of the purchase price was in promised future ice time for area youth programs. The sale was predicated on the city clearing the land. It cost them $8 million to tear down the old college. Rockwell gets several acres for $700,000 in a city where that gets you a two-bedroom condo and mayyyyyybe a parking space. Also, somehow we missed the Coyotes canceling a preseason game due to crap ice. We're slipping. https://www.nhl.com/coyotes/news/coyotes-issue-statement-regarding-ice-at-gila-river-arena/c-291241898
  2. We're about four months out from Clay denying the Holocaust for clicks, five months out from him co-hosting a debate show on FS1 for about $4 million a year, and twelve months out from his wife filing for divorce because he's banging co-host Britt McHenry.
  3. I'm an editor by nature, so I'd like to note here that you could have simply said "Clay Travis."
  4. Someone needs to inform Sportsnet's Eric Francis that they fixed all the flood damage at the Saddledome years ago, so there's no need for him to be carrying all this water.
  5. A guy who made his living punching other players is the new head of Player Safety. But hey, Ivy League, or whatever. Also, the Senators announced today that they've ripped out 1,500 seats to "right-size" their arena, so now it'll only be 1/4 empty for playoff games instead of 1/3. That means four teams so far this decade (Winnipeg, Islanders, Detroit, Ottawa) play in smaller venues than they did previously, which seems like a solid trend for a league so dependent on gate revenue. Can't wait until the upper deck curtains come out in Raleigh.
  6. Whitlock let some words fall out of his maw on his show to the effect of the reason filthy liberal SJWs keep bringing up teams not signing Kaepernick is because of their secret agenda to undermine professional football because it makes them angry that so many black men are successful in it. Now, who's the real racist? *leans back in chair, folds arms* The most popular GIF response to Whitlock's tweet says all that ever needs to be said about him, really.
  7. Schedule dropped today. I presume that means the AHL stays at 30 for this season, and we all get to have a hearty laugh at the Blues shooting themselves in the dick when it comes to player development yet again.
  8. If Milwaukee could get its name from a refrigerator salesman, Nashville can get its from the affiliates.
  9. Just rename the NHL club "Nashville Admirals." The city's already got Commodores.
  10. Apparently, screwing the entire city of Edmonton just wasn't enough for Daryl Katz. http://variety.com/2017/biz/news/greice-santo-daryl-katz-rj-cipriani-canadian-billionaire-1202021527/
  11. Hahahahaha you actually think Brian Burke would put Auston Matthews on the national team roster aaaaaaaahahahahaha
  12. Well, it's your only opportunity to watch a Canadian team win a championship, so that's understandable.
  13. I want to thank you for posting this, because I see no reason the NHL should go to the Olympics, especially these next two, and I found myself alone in that sentiment and completely unswayed by anyone's argument in favor. I was concerned I had fallen into some personal alternative fact-o-sphere.
  14. Bettman was in Calgary about two weeks ago to pull his "nice team you got here, shame if something happened to it" routine. The mayor has been pretty solid so far in telling the Flames and Stamps to go screw and build something with their own money. I say pack a bag for Ken and give him a Google Maps printout with directions to Atlanta.
  15. The Guardian Project lives on! (in court) http://www.avclub.com/article/stan-lees-failed-hockey-superheroes-are-center-500-252702?utm_content=Main&utm_campaign=SF&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing
  16. I mentioned in the NHL thread that Pittsburgh is the most fetid local sports media cesspool this side of Boston. I'm too dumb to properly embed tweets, so just click on this and slowly take it all in. https://twitter.com/WPXIFinalWord/status/841114722288181248
  17. How much you wanna bet the Blues don't field an AHL team next season and just attempt to make do with their prospects scattered wherever roster slots are open in the A or the E? Either that, or they try to bunk up with another parent-owned franchise.
  18. Get me PK and Luongo on a studio show, with Special International Correspondent Ilya Bryzgalov.
  19. No, because he is still legitimately the smartest person in that league office since John Collins left, and yes, that is far more an indictment of the league than a compliment of Gary.
  20. I'm glad admiral block-quoted, because I wasn't going to HFBoards and was just assuming the answer was "The Blues." Also, good on you, local knob-polishing journalist. Your dereliction of duty saved the Portland Pirates! ...oh.
  21. We've come a long way from them snapping a picture of a fax with a flip phone.
  22. Here We Officially Go Again: http://www.12news.com/mb/sports/nhl/coyotes/nhl-commissioner-coyotes-cant-and-wont-play-in-glendale/420599553 Unfortunately for our dear Gary, some isolated pods of elected officials are getting wise to the pro sports stadium shakedown, and one such group appears to be everywhere in Arizona but Glendale.
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