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Everything posted by Sodboy13

  1. The arena's already been built under shady circumstances. Quebec has already been screwed; we are now merely awaiting confirmation of the extent of said screwing.
  2. This is truly the most wonderful thing. And it's because the team put attention to detail into it and made a real identity, instead of just going "LOL TACOZ" and getting some dye-sublimated photographic pullover crap. Great work here. Weren't the Grizzlies the ones who did "Price Is Right Night" and made the jerseys with TPiR nametags for each player?
  3. There will be a new expansion process announced, with a $5 million non-refundable application fee, and a $600 million expansion fee. Come on down, Seattle!
  4. Well, scratch all your "Milwaukee for NHL expansion/relocation" talk. The Bucks got their blood money.
  5. It would totally ruin player development.Also, I know I've said it before, but I can't help repeating that last season, the AHL was 6 divisions of 5 teams each. They move 5 teams to California, and rather than just giving them a division, they switch to a 4-division lineup *and* give the Special Snowflakes their wish for a shortened schedule, despite holding the rest of the league, including two teams in their division, the full 76. I am screaming from the rooftops for these entitled West Coast pissbabies to fail. Also, has anyone thought about how three-point games factor into points percentage standings? Don't worry if you haven't; I'm sure the league hasn't, either!
  6. The 'Topes had blue alternates when they were the Dodgers' affiliate, and I could not throw my money at them fast enough.
  7. Well, there's a team that could be moved with negligible public outcry and almost no disruption of the taxpayer gravy train, isn't it?
  8. Hey, seriously, read what Rich Clune wrote and be glad he's alive and pulled himself together. http://www.theplayerstribune.com/rich-clune-hockey-nhl/
  9. Seeing some unusually strong language refuting this, so it would appear to be the Post being the Post.
  10. Genuine question: How much can the Post be trusted here? I know they're a New York tabloid, but would they be decent on their sourcing with a story like this one?
  11. Anyone with "Oxycodone" in your Mike Richards Border Incident pool, please step forward to collect. http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2015/06/30/nhls-mike-richards-nhl-notified-about-oxycodone-drama-at-canadian-border
  12. The CCSLC Young Guns had their together more than the Coyotes do.
  13. Don Maloney is saying the trade was contingent on Pronger agreeing to go into the Hall of Fame as a Coyote and I CAN'T TELL WHERE THE JOKES ARE ANYMORE HELP
  14. The Coyotes just traded for Chris Pronger's cap hit so they can make the salary floor. This is allowed, somehow!
  15. NBCSN cut away from the Coyotes' pick at #30 to show a Women's 100M Dash from some club track competition at Nikegon.
  16. Gary Bettman with the stone of Glendale in a pneumatic vise, insisting there's still some blood in there.
  17. I thought Markham decided against building their opulent cash-hole.
  18. It's gonna be over $500 million for at least one of those teams. The NHL's cash lust has led it to a surprisingly savvy move here, offering three candidate cities when everyone knows there are two slots. Québec has to be desperate as hell, because they're opening up a $450 million hockey palace in three months with the freaking Remparts as the anchor tenant. They're gonna pay over list price without a second thought to make sure that nonexistent Seattle bid doesn't somehow get in ahead of them. Seattle resumes its rightful position as the Coyotes' escape hatch.
  19. You can go 2-on-2 for 4 minutes, 1-on-1 for 69 minutes, or replace overtime completely with a center ice goalie fight; as long as regulation games are worth two points, and overtime games are worth three, you still haven't addressed the problem.
  20. Giving us a good idea in the worst way possible. I'd expect nothing less from the NHL.
  21. Bedford Park is the industrial parks flanking Cicero Avenue once you're south of the Midway Airport hotels. I don't even know if anyone lives there. It might be just a couple hundred alleged residents, like McCook or Forest View. Worth is pretty much West Alsip, in every sense. Also, tough luck: you got Kane County for your bonus round. Good luck winning your vacation to Thornton now.
  22. Hey, free money you don't have to share with your employees.
  23. 71st & Harlem. Easily accessible by no means of transportation.
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