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Posts posted by Sodboy13

  1. So, hey, about Vinnie Viola becoming a billionaire because of his company's IPO...


    And the State's Attorney General is sniffing around because Vinnie's Totally Legitimate Trading Corp somehow only had one trading day in the red in FIVE YEARS, which does not seem suspicious in the least. Also, the feds probably won't be far behind, because HFT was on "60 Minutes", and the last remaining redeeming quality of that show is that it manages to get federal regulators to nominally do their jobs every couple years or so.

    But hey, bet those Panthers still plan on spending to the cap this offseason!

  2. The City of Glendale did originally want an "out clause" if revenue projections weren't met, similar to the provision that gives IceArizona the right to skip town if they lose $50 million. IceArizona refused, and the city buckled on it, right about the same time one of the council members took the situation to new depths by comparing the new handout-seeking hockey owners to heroic firefighters, less than a week after 19 actual firefighters died while battling Arizona wildfires.

    So, they're stuck.

  3. Okay. Context.

    Las Vegas' 4600ish per game is currently the 9th-best draw in the 22-team ECHL.

    Allegedly tailor-made (if the Bucks leave) NHL market Milwaukee is drawing just over 3800 per game in the AHL this season. That's less than 25% of the arena's capacity.

    There are plenty of excellent reasons to not put an NHL franchise in Las Vegas (and count me among those who think it would be a horrid idea, though it could become a comedy of errors if the Maloofs get in on it). "They can't fill their arena for their minor-league team" is not really a relevant argument. The Moose only got MTS Centre about 60% full, anyway.

  4. Block 37 is a mall in the heart of Chicago's Loop, located across the street from Macy's (the old Marshall Field's flagship store). On the ground level, there's a Chicago sports store selling plenty of legitimate licensed merchandise, and loads of counterfeit Bears, Bulls, and Blackhawks jerseys. Those bootleg customized "authentic" Hawks jerseys are being peddled for $140.

    Meanwhile, 4 blocks away at the Blackhawks Store, and across the street at Macy's for that matter, legit blank replicas go for $130.

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